7 Collagen Peptides Powder Benefits

collagen peptides powder benefits


7 Collagen Peptides Powder Benefits

When it comes to starting a collagen peptides routine, there are never too many questions to ask. Questions range from collagen peptides powder benefits, collagen peptides for men, collagen peptides for Arthritis treatment, collagen peptides for joints pain, collagen peptides side effects, and so on. In this article, we’ll discuss all there is to know about collagen peptides.

What Are Collagen Peptides?

The most abundant protein in the human body is collagen. It is the main content in connective tissues, which include ligaments, skin, tendons, and muscles (6). Studies have shown that collagen supplements may help with skin, joints, bones, and hair. The sections below described in details various benefits of collagen powder for your health.

Health Benefits Of Collagen Peptides

Collagen serves numerous functions and plays vital roles in providing structure to your skin and strengthening your bones and joints. Collagen peptides are fragments of protein derived from animal collagen. They are proteins found in the skin, cartilage, and bone (1).

Collagen peptides are manufactured usually by dissolving collagen proteins into bits and pieces. Collagen peptides accumulates in the skin and cartilage when taken orally. Collagen peptides are used for the treatment of osteoarthritis and for slowing down the aging process. Other collagen peptides benefits are the treatment of brittle nails, osteoporosis, muscle strength, and many other purposes.

As you age, the level of collagen in your body begins to reduce. By the age of 40, there’s a possibility of losing 1% of body collagen every year and when menopause occurs, it speeds up the loss, causing stiff joints, wrinkles, decreased muscle mass, and worn-out cartilage. This is why taking collagen supplements will help you replenish your lost collagen.

You might be wondering, where does Collagen peptides come from? Naturally, collagen is produced in our body by merging the amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins found in the food we consume. To produce collagen, your body needs:

  • – Glycine: found in chicken skin, pork skin, gelatin, and other protein-rich foods
  • – Zinc: found in shellfish, lentils, beans, beef, lamb, pork, cheese, and various types of nuts and seeds.
  • – Proline: found in cabbage, mushrooms, egg whites, dairy, and asparagus.
  • – Vitamin C: found in bell peppers and citrus fruits.
  • – Copper: found in cashews, sesame seeds, organ meats, cocoa powder, and lentils

What Are The Types Of Collagen Powder?

The body contains various types of collagen. Research has shown that there are 29 varieties, but here are the 5 main types

  1. 1. Type I- Gives strength to your bones, skin, ligaments, and tendons
  2. 2. Type II – This type of collagen makes up the cartilage that helps give support to the joints.
  3. 3. Type III – These types of collagen are found in blood vessels, internal organs (liver, bone marrow), and muscles.
  4. 4. Type IV – found in some layers of your skin
  5. 5. Type V, present in corneas as well as layers of skin and hair

Collagen Supplement

Most collagen supplements available mostly contain types I, II, and III, accounting for the majority of the collagen found in the body. They contain a digestible type of collagen called hydrolyzed collagen or collagen peptides.

So you might be wondering about collagen peptides versus hydrolyzed collagen. What is the difference between both of them? Well, there are no differences between them. Hydrolyzed collagen is another name for collagen peptides. They are interchangeable terms for the same thing. It’s merely a language issue. The term “collagen peptides” refers to the final product, which are peptides produced from collagen, whereas the term “hydrolyzed collagen” refers to the process used to make collagen peptides.

Collagen that has undergone the hydrolysis process and been reduced to nanoparticle size is known as collagen hydrolyzed or collagen hydrolysate. The outcome is collagen peptides that have been hydrolyzed and are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. The most popular and efficient type of collagen supplement is this one.

As peptides enter the bloodstream, they cause cells all over the body to produce more collagen, which can be beneficial for many of your Collagen that has undergone the hydrolysis process and been reduced to nanoparticle size is known as collagen hydrolyzed or collagen hydrolysate. The outcome is collagen peptides that have been hydrolyzed and are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. The most popular and efficient type of collagen supplement is this one.

7 Collagen Peptides Powder Benefits

  1. 1. Maintains skin elasticity

It is no longer news that as we age, our skin gets wrinkled and duller. But collagen peptides slow down this aging process and help give the skin a firm look. It helps plump it up to make you look younger. Take collagen peptides to improve skin health.

  1. 2. Joint Pain

One of the most prevalent types of chronic pain is joint pain. The two most common causes of joint pain are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), neither of which has a preventive or curative treatment. It has been suggested that taking oral collagen may be able to treat arthritis.

Amazing Chiropractic Facts

Collagen peptides for joints have been found in numerous scientific studies to aid enhance joint health by preventing cartilage deterioration and assisting in the reduction of inflammation around the joint. Those who have joint issues can benefit from this since it can increase mobility and lessen pain.

  1. 3. Collagen Peptides For Weight Loss

One of the most important advantages of using collagen peptides for weight loss is that it is naturally high in protein and low in calories. When it comes to losing weight, lean proteins are your best bet. A meal or snack high in lean protein can help you feel fuller for longer, providing your body with energy without you having to pack the pounds.

Consuming collagen, specifically gelatin, has also been shown in studies to increase ghrelin levels in the body. Ghrelin is the hormone that makes you feel full, so having more of it will help you resist the urge to eat more and keep your calorie count low.

Another method in which collagen for weight loss occurs is that it can help relieve joint pain and inflammation. This may not appear to be an obvious benefit when it comes to weight loss, but it can certainly go a long way.

Joint pain can seriously impede a workout and even daily activities, reducing your ability to burn calories. Collagen may help boost your exercise routine and make it easier to lose weight by reducing joint pain and improving mobility.

  1. 4. Bone Health

Peptides from collagen can help bone health. Collagen and calcium ions make up the majority of the material in your bones. Throughout one’s life, bones are constantly regenerating and repaired in a process known as bone remodeling.

Collagen peptides can be used as a health supplement to promote bone remodeling and support excellent bone health. Researchers discovered in a recent study that collagen peptide supplementation can affect bone cells’ metabolism at various levels, encouraging remodeling and aiding the body in maintaining the strength of its bones. In another clinical trial research, they discovered that collagen type II helped improve joint mobility and comfort and also support their physical function. (3)

  1. 5. Gut Health

Although there is little data on collagen supplements, studies have shown that people with digestive problems have lower levels of some forms of collagen. As a primary fuel source for the cells in the intestine, L-glutamate, one of the major amino acids in collagen, maintains the health of the digestive system.

Proline and glycine, two other amino acids present in collagen, are also used as fuel by the cells that line our stomach. Collagen supplementation facilitates digestion, supports gut lining repair, and can treat IBS and leaky gut syndrome (4).

  1. 6. Collagen Peptides For Hair Growth

Collagen makes up more than half of your dermis, the layer of your skin in which the root of each hair grows (5). It contributes to the elasticity and strength of your dermis as old age loses the body’s ability to produce collagen. This is why hair gets thinner over time.

Collagen helps the hair bulb with the optimum nutrition throughout the growth stage of your hair, thereby generating the ideal conditions for the formation of strong hairs. Another way collagen peptides for hair occurs via hydration. The main benefits of collagen peptide-infused conditioners, shampoos, and serums are hydration and the advantages of amino acids for safeguarding and protecting hair and scalp.

  1. 7. Collagen Peptides For Arthritis

Collagen peptides supplements may help with the pain and inflammation associated with Osteoarthritis. Arthritis occurs as a result of cartilage damage at the joints. This condition worsens over time and can be excruciatingly painful, affecting your mobility and overall quality of life. The cartilage acts as a smooth layering between the ball (the end of the femoral head) and the socket (the acetabulum of the pelvis), allowing the ball to slide and rotate with ease when the leg moves. The Labrum is the cartilage that lines the outer rim of the socket and provides stability.

arthritis nodes

When the cartilage in your joint is damaged, it becomes rough and abrasive (2). The space between the joints narrows due to cartilage thinning. In severe cases, the bones start rubbing against each other, causing pain and stiffness. Collagen peptides for Arthritis help rebuild and protect the cartilage to prevent friction.

Side Effects of Collagen Peptides

The Side effects of collagen vary depending on which collagen supplement you take. Whichever one you take, the side effects are generally mild. The possible side effects you experience include;

  1. 1. Diarrhea
  2. 2. Upset stomach
  3. 3. Rashes, or skin reactions
  4. 4. Heartburn
  5. 5. Headache
  6. 6. Nausea
  7. 7. Constipation

People who are allergic to fish, chicken, shellfish, or egg should avoid ingesting collagen supplements since they may contain these ingredients. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should avoid taking this supplement as the safety has not been ascertained.

How Much Collagen Peptides Per Day?

Depending on the collagen supplement you are taking and the reason for taking it, the doses vary for each day.

Typically, 2.5-10 grams of collagen peptides in divided doses can be taken by mouth daily for 8–12 weeks to improve the health of your skin and hair. 10 grams of collagen peptides can be given every day in 1-2 divided dosages for roughly 5 months to treat arthritis.

The various varieties of collagen that are readily available also have different doses and this is how many collagen peptides per day are used.

  1. 1. Hydrolyzed collagen derived from shellfish, cattle, pigs, poultry, and other sources. It is possible to purchase hydrolyzed collagen in powder or capsule form, and research suggests that consuming 2.5–15 grams of it daily may be beneficial for the health of your skin, bones, and hair.
  2. 2. Undenatured Collagen: Gotten from chicken cartilage. According to some research, consuming 10mg to 40 mg of undenatured collagen every day can considerably reduce your joint discomfort and inflammation.
  3. 3. Gelatin- gotten from animal sources is used to augment the collagen proteins in smoothies, sauces, soups, and other dishes.

Note that the directions for use on each package of the supplements will often advise taking 1-2 scoops of a powdered supplement, or 1-2 pieces of a pill or gummy supplement, every day. Be sure to read the nutrition facts label for precise dosing instructions on the different packs because the quantity of collagen in a supplement will depend on how it is made.

Collagen peptides powder benefits are numerous. Powders are the most effective as they deliver the most collagen into the body and are also a convenient way to incorporate a significant amount of collagen into your diet. You could blend it into a sweet smoothie with colorful fruits or mixed with your morning coffee or latte. If you prefer other delivery methods like capsules, drinks, tonics, or gummies that’s fine. Just keep in mind that these products are unlikely to contain as much collagen.

The benefits of collagen peptides go beyond the ones listed above. Collagen supplement may also improve skin health. You may want to take collagen to improve skin health.


In conclusion, People from all walks of life have used natural products from a variety of sources to enhance their beauty, maintain a youthful appearance, alleviate pain, and, in general, maintain their health since time immemorial (1). This is due to the increased interest in the health benefits of antioxidants derived from natural products as a result of their applicability and safety in these supplement production.

When you start using collagen supplements for your body, you will notice that your physical appearance begins to improve. Your bone gets stronger, arthritis pain reduces, and your hair and nails may begin to grow longer and stronger.


  1. 1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collagen
  2. 2. https://www.cdc.gov/arthritis/basics/osteoarthritis.htm
  3. 3. https://nutritionj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12937-016-0130-8
  4. 4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14600124/
  5. 5. https://www.derm101.com/inflammatory/embryologic-histologic-and-anatomic-aspects/collagen/
  6. 6. https://www.webmd.com/diet/collagen-health-benefits

14 Chondroitin Benefits

chondroitin benefits


Glucosamine And Chondroitin Benefits

A common dietary supplement and an essential component of the body’s cartilage is chondroitin. Because of its structural composition, taking chondroitin will help to prevent cartilage from being broken down, and in cartilage destruction, chondroitin will enhance quick repair. Chondroitin is a nutritional supplement scientifically called chondroitin sulfate.

Several studies have been done to research the importance and chondroitin benefits to health in different parts of the world, especially its benefits for osteoarthritis and other inflammatory health diseases. Clinical evidence has proven that is good for reducing pain (1).

Chondroitin sulfate is a very good compound for joints, hence, the use of chondroitin sulfate for osteoarthritis is one of the major health benefits it supplies to the human body. Chondroitin sulfate is also useful in the treatment of cataracts.

It can be used in combination with other chemical agents such as hyaluronic acid and manganese ascorbate. Other compounds that can be combined with chondroitin effectively are glucosamine and collagen peptides.

Aside from the use of chondroitin sulfate for joint diseases. It is also useful in the management of other disease entities in the body. The health benefits of chondroitin and many more will be discussed in this article (2).

Chondroitin Benefits: With And Without Glucosamine

The combination of chondroitin with glucosamine has given better and synergistic benefits to health than when either of them is used isolatedly.

Glucosamine is a compound naturally produced and secreted by the human body, and like chondroitin, glucosamine also exists in cartilage, hence, they aid cartilage production and cartilages repair when destroyed by stimulating the secretion of fats and protein component required for the repair to take place.

Glucosamine is not a common nutrient seen in foods, but it is always available as a supplement in form of tablets, capsules, and even in topical forms. The use of glucosamine benefits confers a lot of health benefits, especially a combination of chondroitin with glucosamine, which helps in the management of joint diseases such as osteoarthritis (3).

How Chondroitin With Glucosamine Works

One popular thing about chondroitin and glucosamine is the fact that they are chondroprotective. This simply means they ease every pain that has to do with cartilage and joints generally.

One of the other many chondroitin glucosamine benefits is that they possess anti-inflammatory properties which help in pain reduction and in the prevention of cartilage degeneration at joints in other to keep the structure of the cartilage in proper check.

Also, chondroitin with glucosamine helps to enhance water absorption of the cartilage in other to maintain and retain its elasticity (4).

 Glucosamine And Chondroitin Benefits For Health

The are several chondroitin glucosamine benefits to health according to a lot of research. Below are some of the health benefits of combining chondroitin with glucosamine:

  1. 1. Joint pain

Studies done in several regions of the world, including the united states have revealed that glucosamine is a very good compound in reducing joint pain. In like manner, studies have also backed up the advantages of using chondroitin sulfate for joint pain as well.

joints pain symptoms

This claim of the effectiveness of glucosamine as an agent to relieve joint pain necessitated its availability not just as a supplement but also in form of medicinal substances in the united kingdom and other places in Europe.

The combination of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in supplements has also proven to be useful in relieving pain in patients presenting with osteoarthritis.

Patients who are reactive or allergic to other pain relievers such as NSAIDs as celecoxib can get recommendations of chondroitin and glucosamine supplements, and has worked fine for such people in relieving the symptoms as a result of arthritis or other inflammatory knee diseases.

2. Inflammation

Aside from joint inflammation, other people who suffer from chronic inflammation in other areas of the body will also benefit from chondroitin glucosamine benefits. Inflammatory diseases linked to health conditions such as diabetes mellitus, arthritis, and chronic heart diseases have been managed using chondroitin and glucosamine supplements.

knee pain on stairs

Studies reveal that people who regularly use glucosamine supplements record mild levels of inflammation, and may never go into chronic inflammation.

3. Bone health

Studies have revealed that the use of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements have helped to reduce the incidence rate of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, and in women with osteoporosis, the use of glucosamine has also helped to slow down the progress rate of osteoporosis and prevent early complications.

Glucosamine also helps to strengthen the bone by reducing bone weakness, hence, the reason for its recommendation to patients at risk of osteoporosis such as post-menopausal women, patients on steroids, and other high-risk patients (3).

4. Osteoarthritis

In osteoarthritis, there is cartilage tissue degeneration at the joints which manifests majorly as pain and swelling. Chondroitin and glucosamine, on the other hand, have cartilage-protecting properties which help to avert the effects of osteoarthritis on the joints.

They also possess anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammatory symptoms such as pain, redness, swelling, and loss of function. When chondroitin and glucosamine supplements are being used, they aid in the protection and preservation of chondrocytes which helps to sustain cartilage tissue.

In the osteoarthritis treatment guidelines released in 2019, chondroitin sulfate was recommended for hand osteoarthritis by the American college of rheumatology. Although the national center for complementary health says the use of chondroitin and glucosamine is like using a placebo, it isn’t harmful but there are no clear benefits of it to the treatment of osteoarthritis, and the supplements are not harmful too.

However, several other studies have been done which reveal that chondroitin and glucosamine supplements are useful in relieving pain in osteoarthritis which has in a way rule out the claim by the national center for complementary health.

5. Rheumatoid arthritis

Research done helped to reveal that patients who use glucosamine hydrochloride in rheumatoid arthritis were relieved of their joint pains, however, studies are yet to prove if chondroitin sulfate lead to a reduction in the associated joint edema (5).

Other Health Effects Of Chondroitin Sulfate

From past and recent studies on the health benefits of chondroitin sulfate, results have shown that there are potential chondroitin benefits to human health. Some of the health benefits of chondroitin sulfate are:

6. Cataract

According to research, the eye is shielded during cataract surgery by injecting a solution containing sodium hyaluronate and chondroitin sulfate into the eye. The united states Food and Drug Administration has examined a wide range of products combining sodium hyaluronate and chondroitin sulfate to be utilized following cataract surgery.

Contrary to other similar therapies, it is unclear if combining chondroitin sulfate with sodium hyaluronic acid solutions assists relieve pressure inside the eye following cataract surgery. Early research suggests that when a cataract is removed, a particular eye solution with chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid can lower eye pressure and enhance general eye health.

The drops don’t seem to be much better than those that only include hyaluronic acid or another substance called hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, though. It is unknown how chondroitin sulfate-only treatments would affect cataract surgery.

7. Bladder inflammation

Some low-quality studies have suggested that bladder inflammation symptoms can be reduced by injecting a chondroitin sulfate mixture into the bladder, alongside or without hyaluronate.

Moreover, a preliminary study suggests that oral administration of the combination drug CystoProtek, which contains chondroitin sulfate, can reduce bladder irritation. Nonetheless, other more reliable studies reveal that putting chondroitin sulfate further into the bladder does not alleviate symptoms.

8. Dry eyes

There is conflicting evidence on chondroitin sulfate’s ability to treat dry eyes. The early study points to a reduction in dry eyes while using the chondroitin sulfate eye drops.

Yet, additional data indicate that chondroitin sulfate-containing eye drops perform less well than tear substitutes. According to additional studies, using a particular eye drop combining chondroitin sulfate and xanthan gum 4 times per day for 60 days did not increase tears but may decrease the intensity of dry eye symptoms.

9. Psoriasis skin disease

According to a preliminary study, consuming chondroitin sulfate for two to three months helps psoriasis sufferers feel less pain and has a positive impact on their skin.

However, other research indicates that in persons with psoriasis and joint osteoarthritis, taking chondroitin sulfate every day for three months does not lessen the severity of psoriasis.

10. Metastatic joint pain

According to a preliminary study, consuming chondroitin and glucosamine in up to three divided dosages daily for twenty-four weeks reduces joint pain and other side effects brought on by medications used in the treatment of breast cancer.

11. Acid reflux

Hyaluronate and chondroitin sulfate syrup appear to lessen the severity of acid reflux complaints when used in conjunction with traditional therapies like antacids.

12. Urinary tract infections

According to preliminary studies, women with a history of Urinary tract infections may have a reduction in urinary tract infections after receiving a specific chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronate solution through a urethral catheter every week for four weeks, followed by a monthly infusion for roughly 5 months.

13. Bone and joint disease

This is also referred to as Kashin-Beck disease. Glucosamine solution and Chondroitin may help persons with Kashin-Beck illness feel less discomfort, according to preliminary studies.

Moreover, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are taken together to help prevent the narrowing of the joint space in those with this degenerative disease. However, it is uncertain if consuming chondroitin sulfate alone decreases joint space narrowing.

14. Overactive bladder

According to preliminary studies, administering sodium chondroitin sulfate via a urinary catheter toward the bladder enhances the quality of life for persons with hyperactive bladders (6).

Chondroitin And Glucosamine Dosage: Side Effects

According to the majority of research, chondroitin, and glucosamine are both safe for usage by the majority of people and have not been associated with any negative side effects. There have only been minor adverse effects reported, such as headache, nausea, and upset stomach.

However take into consideration that glucosamine is frequently made from chitin, a substance that can be found in shellfish. As a result, those who are allergic to shellfish should carefully read the label and choose products derived from cows or pigs.

Furthermore, a fungus can be used to make glucosamine. Also, the supplements might not be ideal for people who follow a vegetarian diet because some of the ingredients are derived from animals.

The supplementation of chondroitin with glucosamine may also interact with anticoagulant drugs like Warfarin, lower insulin sensitivity, and impact blood sugar levels. Because of this, you ought to seek medical advice before using them.

Other highlighted chondroitin glucosamine side effects are:

  • – Nausea
  • – Vomiting
  • – Skin rashes and itching
  • – Constipation
  • – Abdominal discomfort
  • – Diarrhea

Side effects pointing to allergic reactions such as rashes on the skin, itching of the body, and swelling in certain parts of the body such as the lips, should be reported to the medical personnel as soon as possible and the medication stopped immediately (7).

Chondroitin And Glucosamine Supplement: Can they reduce pain for osteoarthritis?

Some people assert that the dietary supplement glucosamine chondroitin will lessen knee osteoarthritis symptoms. It functions by keeping the cartilage in the joints in good condition. The tissue that connects the bones is called cartilage. The united states food and drugs association is yet to approve the use of chondroitin and glucosamine supplements for use.

The chondroitin glucosamine supplement is generally available in different processed forms, tablets, capsules, and in granulated forms.

However, the united states FDA suggests that citizens follow the guidelines below while using such supplements:

  • – Carefully read the directions on the package’s label.
  • – Natural does not guarantee a product is secure for consumption by people.
  • – Be on the lookout for items with USP following the component name. This indicates that the maker complied with US Pharmacopoeia criteria.
  • – A nationally recognized food or drug company is more likely to manufacture and sell supplements that are subject to stringent regulations. To learn more about the procedure by which the product was created, you can email the company.

The chondroitin and glucosamine supplements should be carefully kept out of the reach of children and should be stored at room temperature of less than or equal to 30 degrees C (7).

Chondroitin Versus MSM for Arthritis

MSM is an acronym for Methylsulfonylmethane. Every cell in the body stores this sulfur molecule. It may come from sources such as animals and plants or be created in a lab. MSM, a superior source of sulfur, enhances joint health by enhancing the body’s ability to generate collagen for collagenous health and membrane-bound flexibility. It also fosters the development of hair, skin, and nails (8).

Natural substances that are found in the joints include MSM and chondroitin. They are used to treat joint inflammation and relieve joint discomfort. Aspirin and ibuprofen are two prominent anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal medications recommended for joint pain and arthritic problems. Arthritis is a prevalent ailment associated with aging nowadays.

Three naturally occurring substances, MSM, Chondroitin, and Glucosamine, are typically prescribed for reducing pain and decreasing the course of arthritis without producing the negative effects caused by other medications because these medications have several side effects. Osteoarthritis is the name for this form of “wear and tear” arthritis. The very potent anti-inflammatory action of MSM explains why it is highly recommended in cases of rheumatoid arthritis.

In summary:

  • – MSM is an acronym for methylsulfonylmethane, while chondroitin sulfate is seen in the collages in joints
  • – MSM is best used in the management of rheumatoid arthritis, while chondroitin sulfate is known for its action against osteoarthritis
  • – It is recommended that 2000mg of MSM should be used every eight hours, that is, three times a day, while chondroitin sulfate is best used at 1200mg in three divided doses daily (9).


  1. 1.https://www.versusarthritis.org/about-arthritis/complementary-and-alternative-treatments/types-of-complementary-treatments/chondroitin/
  2. 2. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-744/chondroitin-sulfate#:~:text=Chondroitin+sulfate+is+a+chemical,in+the+joints+breaks+down.
  3. 3. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-glucosamine
  4. 4. https://www.medicinenet.com/does_glucosamine_chondroitin_really_work/article.htm
  5. 5. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-glucosamine/art-20362874
  6. 6. https://www.rxlist.com/chondroitin_sulfate/supplements.htm
  7. 7. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/19075-glucosamine-chondroitin-capsules-or-tablets
  8. 8. https://blog.davincilabs.com/blog/msm-vs-glucosamine-whats-the-difference
  9. 9. http://www.differencebetween.net/science/health/drugs-health/difference-between-msm-and-chondroitin/

12 Health Benefits of Bromelain

health benefits of bromelain


12 Health Benefits of Bromelain

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme found in the pineapple plant. It belongs to the group of enzymes known to the aid digestion of foods, the proteinous foods. The bromelain can be seen in the juice as well as the stem of pineapple. Health Benefits of Bromelain include the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions, such as osteoarthritis, sinusitis, and inflammation of the colon.

It is also useful for the treatment of allergic conditions, and the prevention of cancer and chronic heart diseases (2). it is widely known in central and south America. Bromelain can be used alone or in combination with quercetin. Bromelain and quercetin also aid in the balance of the natural inflammatory response in the body.

Bromelain is useful both in traditional and orthodox medicine to aid digestion and in the management of inflammatory conditions. It was discovered far back in the late 1800 but its medical use didn’t start till the year 1957. the scientists have since then been working on the therapeutic uses of bromelain, especially as a supplement (3).

Sources Of Bromelain

Bromelain can be seen in fruits such as pineapple, and other yellow fruits. It can be seen after manufacturing in the form of tablets or capsules. It is also available as cream or powder.

Most times, bromelain and quercetin can be packaged together as a single supplement as a capsule or as tablets to be used for an anti-inflammatory purpose. Bromelain can also be packaged alongside linoleic acid which is required for weight loss (1). Interestingly, even though bromelain is gotten from pineapple fruit and juice, eating pineapple does not guarantee the required quantity needed by the body (4).

The 12 Health Benefits Of Bromelain

Bromelain supplements are used by people as a remedy for several health conditions. The following are some of the health benefits of bromelain:

  • 1. Inflammation

The proteolytic enzyme bromelain from the gotten pineapple plant, particularly the stem has proven to be useful in the treatment of several medical conditions, one of which is inflammatory diseases. It is useful in the treatment of post-surgical inflammations, dental surgeries, and treatment of chronic inflammation of the sinuses and the nose.

Bromelain is also useful in the treatment of other inflammations like joint inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and skin diseases such as psoriasis and rosacea. Studies revealed that when bromelain is combined with quercetin, it produces a greater anti-inflammatory action for both acute state and chronic state inflammatory diseases.

Bromelain and quercetin are not uncommon and even though bromelain in food and quercetin in food is good, both are sold as a supplement alongside other enzymes such as amylase, and papain or with vitamin C to aid their action (3).

  • 2. Osteoarthritis

Studies revealed that the anti-pain and anti-swelling properties of bromelain make it one of the best supplements required for the treatment of osteoarthritis to ease the pain and edema frequently experienced by patients. Particularly, the patient with arthritis affecting their knee joints or shoulders will benefit more from bromelain supplements. Research conducted revealed that patients treated with 400mg of bromelain daily improved than those given placebo as treatment (4).

  • 3. Sinusitis

Particularly, bromelain is useful in relieving the symptoms of sinusitis and similar conditions affecting the respiratory system. In a study conducted in 2016, it was discovered that bromelain is useful in relieving the symptoms of sinusitis which helps to relieve difficulty with breathing in the patients as well as reducing the inflammation.

Another 2006 survey reported that when bromelain is used as adjuvants with other drugs in the treatment of inflammation, it has better health benefits compared to when only medications are used without the supplement (1).

  • 4. Bowel Inflammatory Diseases

Bromelain has proven to also be useful in the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the bowel. In a 2008 study, they found out that bromelain when used for patients with ulcerative colitis, it helps to suppress the inflammatory symptoms in the patients and it also revealed that the pro-inflammatory chemicals like cytokines and chemokines were reduced in patients taking bromelain (2).

  • 5. Food Digestion

Bromelain helps to aid digestion although studies are yet to discover the mechanism of action behind this. It also helps to relieve abdominal cramps associated with food indigestion. It is also known to reduce some of the actions bacteria have on the bowel that irritates resulting in diarrhea or dysentery such as Vibro cholera (1).

  • 6. Heart Diseases

A study reveals that bromelain is useful in the management of cardiovascular pathologies such as heart failure, stroke, arterial diseases, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and lots more. Bromelain helps to prevent the formation of clots in the vessels thereby preventing the occurrences of heart events that can lead to death such as stroke (4).

  • 7. Asthma

Bromelain has shown its importance in the management of airway inflammation in asthmatic patients. This was discovered in a study carried out on animals that bromelain helps to reduce the severity o symptoms as well as reduce the frequency of the symptoms. Also, it is safe to say that it may also be of benefit to patients with other atopy conditions (4).

  • 8. Cancer

Research has shown that bromelain has some components which are anti-neoplastic and hence can help to prevent and treat the cancerous cells in cancer patients. Unfortunately, this has not been confirmed in humans as they are still in the preliminary phase.

In 2012, research conducted showed that bromelain is important in the treatment of breast cancer, and this is because of its ability to induce programmed cell death in the cancerous cells, otherwise called apoptosis.

In research conducted in 2007, bromelain was used in the treatment of animals with certain cancers, like sarcoma and leukemia. The result revealed that bromelain increased the quality of life of the animals. Hence, the conclusion is that bromelain supplements will be good adjuvants in cancer therapies (2).

  • 9. Weight Loss

Producers of bromelain supplement explained that it is useful in those desiring weight reduction as it contains enzymes that help to increase the rate at which the body digests fat. However, there has not been enough study to support this claim (1).

  • 10. Wound Healing

Bromelain has been known for his positive impact on wound healing, especially burns. The topical form of bromelain when applied to the surface of burn wounds, it helps to eliminate the gangrenous skin parts, that is, the dead parts. But there has been no evidence to prove if it helps in the treatment of wounds aside from the function above (2).

  • 11. Knee Pain

The studies conducted on the effects of bromelain on knee pain have been unstable. In a study conducted in 2006 and published in the ‘monthly journal of the association of physicians, there was no seen positive effect of bromelain on knee pain other than acting as a placebo for patients with knee pain, edema, and stiffness. The study was carried out on 47 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

Conversely, in another study conducted in 2006 and published in the Journal of Arthritis Research and Therapy, it was discovered that in some of the patients, bromelain was very useful in the treatment of their knee pain and it was as effective as diclofenac in the patients. Only a few of the subjects, two out of seven, found bromelain as a mere placebo. Also, another study conducted showed that bromelain can ease knee pain in individuals without osteoarthritis (2).

  • 12. Surgical Pain

For post-surgical pain, oral bromelain has been known to help in relieving pain and swelling in patients. However, it acts differently with different people and in different tissue in the same individual. In a study conducted on 40 patients, 70 percent of the patients had reduced pain and swelling compared to those given a placebo. 750 to 100mg per day is the recommended dose and should be taken before eating in divided doses per day (2).

Bromelain And Quercetin Combination

There has been research confirming that the combination of the proteolytic enzyme bromelain with quercetin produces the best anti-inflammatory result. Thus, bromelain and quercetin when combined can help to relieve and manage inflammation in both the acute and chronic states.

The majority of brands producing bromelain supplements do not provide enough dosage required to serve the anti-inflammatory purpose or they miss the idea of bromelain and quercetin combination, hence the reason why most formulations don’t serve the anti-inflammatory purpose. Bromelain and quercetin can also be combined with other enzymes and antioxidants to improve their functions.

Bromelain and quercetin combined in a supplement help to reduce the dosage and number of times required to use the supplement (3). The dosing for quercetin ranges from 500 to 2500mg per day in divided doses. The recommended dose will depend on the condition for which it is being used. The combination can be taken three days before the surgery and should continue till a week after the surgery. If used in case of traumatic injury, it can be used for up to ten days. Bromelain and quercetin supplements are the best in aiding fast recovery (3).

Side Effects Of Bromelain

Just like every other supplement, it is important to know the medical history of a patient before prescribing bromelain supplements for such. It can result in mild risk in some patients, especially in cases of overdose. Such effects are:

  • – Nausea
  • – Vomiting
  • – Diarrhea
  • – Others are menorrhagia, that is, the heavy menstrual flow which can be due to thinning of blood, especially when used with anticoagulants such as aspirin, and warfarin. Hence, the need to avoid or stop the use of anticoagulants when on bromelain.

Bromelain with quercetin side effects includes all stated above too (4). in some persons, bromelain with quercetin side effects can trigger allergic reactions, especially in those with personal or family history of atopy. Such reactions include skin rashes, difficulty with breathing, itchy skin, and eyes. These supplements should be avoided in persons with an allergy to bromelain (2).


Bromelin interact with the following drugs when used together:

  • – Anticoagulants

Bromelain normally will cause a decrease in the blood clotting time, so a patient on blood thinners, that is, anticoagulants should be advised to stop the anticoagulants before using bromelain supplements. When used together, this can cause excessive bleeding and an increase in blood flow in women. Some examples of blood thinners are aspirin, warfarin, and clopidogrel.

  • – Antibiotics

Bromelain when used together with certain antibiotics, it increases the rate of absorption of such drugs, thereby increasing the predisposition to the side effects of such drugs. Examples of such drugs are tetracycline and amoxicillin (4).

  • – Sedatives

A combination of bromelain and sedatives makes the effect of sedative drugs stronger. Examples of such are:

  • – Benzodiazepines: examples are diazepam and alprazolam. When used together it increases the duration of action.
  • – Anticonvulsants: when bromelain is combined with sodium valproate or phenytoin, it increases the duration of action as well as side effects.
  • – Antidepressants: bromelain increases the action of tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline.
  • – Alcohol
  • – Herbal concoctions with alcohol base (4).


Allergy to bromelain is a major contraindication to the use of bromelain supplements. Other allergies include allergies to pineapple as bromelain is an enzyme seen in pineapple, and allergies to carrot, rye, and wheat. Patients with allergy to cypress pollens should also avoid the use of bromelain.

Bromelain is also contraindicated in pregnancy and patients with peptic ulcer disease. There has been no research to ascertain if bromelain and quercetin are safe in pregnancy. Other gastrointestinal diseases should be well evaluated before placing a patient on bromelain.

It is contraindicated in patients with bleeding disorders and patients on anticoagulant medications or anti-platelet drugs. Patients on supplements such as ginkgo Biloba should also avoid taking bromelain (2).


Bromelain is obtained from pineapple fruit or the stem. It is also a mixture of enzymes known to have health benefits. This includes inflammation treatment, wound healing, treatment of asthma, and a lot more when used as a supplement or as a treatment adjuvant as in cancer therapy. However, lot of works is currently ongoing to ascertain the effectiveness of the bromelain supplements.

Several studies suggests that Bromelain, extracted from pineapple, exerts anti-inflammatory effects in people with joints pain or knee pain. Research suggests that Bromelain may also help with several digestive, respiratory and heart disorders.


  1. 1. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323783#summary
  2. 2. https://www.verywellhealth.com/bromelain-what-should-you-know-about-it-88318
  3. 3. https://vitamedica.com/wellness-blog/bromelain-and-quercetin-natural-anti-inflammatory-supplements/
  4. 4. https://www.healthline.com/health/bromelain#interactions

Body Types in Ayurveda

body types in ayurveda


What are the Body Types in Ayurveda or Ayurvedic Body Types?

As a part of the universe, the human body follows the Pancha-Mahabhuta Principle. Comprised of five elements Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth element (the building blocks) our body has a unique constitution of Dosha, Dhatu, and mala. Fundamentally, Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) also known as life force or energy, control our entire mind and bodily activities.

Fibromyalgia Yoga

According to Ayurveda, every other person possesses a different type of Prakriti (Body Nature) depending on their unique Tridosha constitution (body types in Ayurveda). Though no human being has the body constitution comprised of a single or dual dosha but all three, however, there is always one dosha that dominates over the other two. That one dosha decides one’s Prakriti (Ayurvedic body type). Depending on this dominant guy your body has different physiological and psychological functioning.

Let us dive into the sea of doshas and figure out which one is dominating your Ayurvedic body type. Here, I am going to tell you about the nature of Tridosha, and peculiarity and characters of different body types. But first, you must know about, “How your Prakriti was determined in the first place?”

The determination of Deha Prakriti (Physical constitution/Body Type)

According to Ayurveda Acharyas, body constitution is determined at the time of conception. The escalated doshas in Sperm (Shukra) and Ovum (Artava) together with the factors influenced by parents’ unique body type, at the time of conception have the authority to call the shots and nail down the zygote’s dosha-constitution.

Body Types in Ayurveda – Vata Prakriti (Vata Body Type)

Vata Dosha, constituted by the Space and Air element, is perceived as Heena Prakriti (Poor body type). Vata is a wildly dynamic element. Although its vital property being movement and circulation, it is the most important among Tridoshas, yet its slight provocation can wreak havoc with major drawback being the emaciation (Apatarpana) of the body.

Body Types in Ayurveda – Pitta Prakriti (Pitta Body Type)

Pitta dosha, constituted by the Fire and Water element is a unique and mighty combination. Pitta body type is perceived as a moderate one. Complementing different sense organs function like vision, memory, intellect, and refined perception, its vital functions are digestion and assimilation.  Pitta body type has beautiful complexion and the great courage.

Body Types in Ayurveda – Kapha Prakriti (Kapha Body type)

Kapha dosha, a blend of the water and Earth element is well known for a sturdy built. Kapha body type is perceived as the best Prakriti.  Its vital function is anabolism hence a compact and muscular body. Kapha Purusha (Person of Kapha body type) is full of vigor, courage, calmness, and convincing might. Most importantly their immune system is insanely top-notch.

Balanced or Dual Nature Body Constitution

People with only one dominant dosha (Ekdoshaja) outnumbering the other two are very few. Generally, there is one super dominant dosha with the second one slightly lower dominant and the remaining one being recessive to both of them. Dwandaj (Dual Nature Body type) Prakriti are:

    • – Vata Pittaja (Kapha being the lowest)
    • – Pitta-Kaphaja (Vata being the lowest)
    • – Vata-Kaphaja (Pitta being the lowest)

And in the rare case, all three of them (Vata Pitta Kapha) might be at equal levels and people with this type of Deha Prakriti are referred to as “The Perfect Blend”- Vata-Pitta-Kaphaja (Sannipatika Prakriti).

Therefore, there are 7 types of Prakriti (Body constitution) with three Ekdoshaja (One dominating dosha), Three Dwandaj dosha (Dual dosha), and Sannipataja (All three in balance).

Now, let us have a peek at the characteristics of people with these three different body types in Ayurveda so that you can be clear about which Deha Prakriti you possess.

CharacteristicsVata Body TypePitta Body TypeKapha body Type
Body FrameThin, flat chest, prominent veins and bones, taller or shorter than an average person.Moderate body frame, medium muscle development, slender, and delicate frame.Large body frame, broad chest, thick skin, attractive and bones not prominent.
Body WeightLean and slenderModerate or medium weightObese or rapid tendency for weight gain
Skin TypeThin, cool, dry, rough, and cracked.


Soft, warm, moist, prone to wrinkles and acne.Thick, cold, oily, and pale
ComplexionBrown or intermediateReddish, yellowish or copperishFair and Bright
HairDry, course, curly, and scantyThin, fine, silky, and oilyThick, soft, dark, and wavy
EyesDry, small, and sunkenSharp, medium size, and penetrating gazeDense, Wide and big, prominent
Disease TendencyMajorly nervous diseaseFever and InflammationCongestion
StrengthsQuick-witted, creative, fast grasping, short term excellent but long term weak memory, imaginative, and understandingSharp, leaders, and ambitious, quick grasp, and powerful memoryCalm, content, forgiving, loyal, and tolerant, slow grasp, short term weak but long term good memory



Anxious, nervous, fearful, low will-powerIrritability, jealous, and angerGreed, possessiveness, attachment, and self-centered
Physiological TraitsCrave for salty and sweet food, cold hands and feet, less sleeping hours, speaks fast, and irritatingly loud voice, walk fasterStrong appetite, good digestion and metabolism, slightly higher body temperature than average, sharp voiceCrave pungent and bitter food, Slow digestion, good stamina, moderate body temperature and sound sleep, soft voice, slow and steady walks
Miscellaneous QualitiesLively, enthusiastic, and joyfulPassionate, competitive, focused and assertiveLoving, faithful, relaxed


Do an honest self-diagnosis of these traits. Calculate the matched traits and see which doshas are dominating your body.

Benefits of Knowing Your Prakriti

    • – Knowing your Prakriti or body types in Ayurveda will help you know your body’s requirements better.
    • – You can make different food preferences to balance your dosha.
    • – You will know your mental health better and manage your lifestyle accordingly by ignoring the facts you are prone to by nature.
    • – When your body is in imbalanced state you know which dosha is creating trouble and manage your health accordingly.

What are Ayurveda Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas?

Ayurveda Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas


Ayurveda Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas – A deep dive into the three bio-energies responsible for the existence of life!

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas–  These energies are needed to be balanced to maintain a healthy body and mind constitution. Natural regulation leads to a healthy state whereas an unnatural regulation leads to discomfort. One must be conscious of the fact that whatever is happening in our mind and body is the consequence of the continuous grind of Tridoshas.

Sanskrit Shloka:

“Vayuh: pittam kaphashcheti trayo dosha: samaasata:

Vikritavikrita deham ghnanti te varttayanti ca”

[Ashtang Hridayam 11/1]

Their poise is essential for a flourishing mind and body whereas disturbance of natural function can be destructive. One must learn their body constitution to live a sophisticated and healthier life.

Ayurveda Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas – Tridoshas

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, each of them have a different set of constitutions, properties, and functions for operating different physiological roles.

anti-inflammatory yoga

Vata manages the nervous system; Pitta with its fire element controls the metabolism and hormonal flow whereas Kapha works as the support system of our body.

Constitution of Tridoshas

Ayurveda follows the principle of Pancha-Mahabhuta which says, the whole universe is comprised of Pancha-Mahabhuta (Five fundamental elements) i.e. Aakash (space), Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Jala (Water), and Prithvi (Earth). There is no existence of any living or non-living entity which are devoid of these elements.

Mahabhuta (Element)Characteristics
AakashAparighata (Free flow without any obstruction)
VayuChalatva (Mobility)
AgniUshnatva (Heat or Fire)
JalaDravata (Liquidity)
PrithviKharatva (Rough or solid)

Vata Body Type

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha have a unique constitution of these elements for their peculiar characteristics.

DoshasMahabhuta (Elements)Qualities
VataAir + SpaceDryness, lightness, coldness, roughness, minuteness, and movement.
PittaFire + WaterUnctuous, piercingly enters deep tissues, hot, light, foul odor, fluidity or mobile, and liquid in nature.
KaphaWater + EarthUnctuous, cold, heavy, mild, viscous, smooth, slimy or jelly type, stable or immobile.


Sanskrit Shloka:

Guru manda hima snigdha ślakṣṇa sāndra mṛdu sthirā: | guṇā: sasūkṣma viśadā: viṃśati: saviparyayā: ||

(Ashtanga Hridayam 1/19)

According to Acharya Vagbhatta and Charak, there are in total 20 types of basic characteristic qualities in the universe. 10 of them are mentioned in the first verse of the above given shloka and the rest are their complete opposites. They are:

Guru (Heavy)Laghu (Light)
Manda (Slow)Tikshna (Fast)
Hima (Cold)Ushna (Hot)
Snigdha (Unctuous)Ruksha (Dry)
Slakshna (Smooth)Khara (Rough)
Sandra (Solid)Drava (Liquid)
Mridu (Soft)Kathina (Hard)
Sthira (Stable)Chala (Unstable)
Sukshma (small)Sthula (Huge)
Vishada (Non-slimy)Picchila (Slimy)


Primary Functions of Tridoshas

DoshasPrimary functions
VataMovement and communication
PittaDigestion and metabolism
KaphaLubrication, and structure


Location of Doshas in the Body

Although Tridoshas occupy the whole of our body yet there are some specific organs where the majority resides.

VataWaist and hip region, ear, bones, skin, and large intestine is the primary location.
PittaStomach, sweat, blood, lymph, plasma, eye, skin. The umbilicus is the primary location of Pitta dosha.
KaphaHead, throat, stomach, small intestine, plasma, fat, nose, and tongue. The chest is the primary seat of Kapha dosha.


Vata Dosha

Though every dosha has its different peculiar importance, balanced Vata dosha is the significant most among Tridoshas. In its presence of an unbalanced state, no dosha would be able to perform their function because they need its movement and communication feature to travel and act throughout the whole body.

Responsible for all the movements in the body, it helps in the circulation of nutrients through blood flow throughout the body. It regulates respiration and locomotion.

In its balanced state Vata fills the body with enthusiasm and regulates all the mind and speech activities. Vata dosha is responsible for the initiation of natural urges (urine, feces, tears, sneezing, etc.) while maintaining the decent functioning of sense organs.

With respect to its distinct functions, Vata is of five types:

Types of Vata LocationMovement Function
Prana VayuHeadMoves in the chest and throatRegulates respiration, will power, intellect, and vision.
Udana VataChestNose, throat, and umbilicusInitiation of speech, effort, enthusiasm, memory, and complexion.
Vyana VayuHeartWhole bodyAll the locomotory actions.
Samana VayuStomachAlimentary canalDigestion and assimilation
Apana VayuLarge IntestineBladder and genitals.Urination, defecation, menstruation, and labor during childbirth.


Pitta Dosha

Pitta represents the fire element energy controlling our body’s metabolic system. The peculiarity of this fire is its liquid nature due to water being its secondary element.

Its primary function is the digestion of food and vision. It maintains the body temperature by spreading enough warmth throughout the body while maintaining skin complexion and suppleness; it is closely related to intelligence and valor.

Types of PittaLocation Functions
Pachaka Pitta (Anala)Stomach and Large IntestineDigestion and transformation of food.
Ranjaka PittaStomachAssimilation of food into blood.
Sadhaka PittaHeartIntelligence, knowledge, and self-consciousness.
Alochaka PittaEyesVision
Bhrajaka PittaSkinExhibition of color and complexions.


Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha confers stability, firmness, compactness, and lubrication of joints due to the dominance of water and earth element. It offers the mental capacity to withstand emotional stress.

Types of KaphaLocationFunctions
Avalambaka KaphaChestLubrication and nourishment
Kledaka KaphaStomachHelps in digestion of food by moistening
Bodhaka KaphaTongueTaste perception
Tarpaka KaphaHeadSense organ nourishment
Shleshaka KaphaBone jointsStrengthens and lubricates joints


Tridosha Imbalance

An increase or decrease of individual doshas is termed as Sansarg whereas imbalanced altogether is termed as Sannipata.

Causes of Imbalance of Doshas

The increase of Doshas is perceived to be usually due to excess nutrition (Tarpana), which later on increases Kapha. However, the decrease of Doshas is due to loss of nutrition which is followed by an increase in Vayu (Vata dosha).

Hence, the diseases arising due to the increase of Dosha should be treated by adopting Langhana (therapy causing thinning of the body, reducing the Kapha dosha). The diseases arising from the decrease of Dosha should be treated with Brimhana therapy (causes stoutening of the body, increasing the quantity, etc.)

But in the case of Vata, the order is complete opposite. If Vata is increased, then Brihmana therapy (nourishing therapy for the tissues) should be adopted and if Vata decreases then Langhana therapy should be adopted as it lightens the body with laghu (light) guna.

Tridosha IncreaseDecrease
VataEmaciation, black discoloration, tremors, constipation, loss of strength and senses, and irrelevant speech.Debility of body, decreased speech and loss of sensation
PittaYellow discoloration of feces, urine, eyes, and skin; excess thirst and hunger with a burning sensation.Weak digestion, cold feel, loss of luster
KaphaWeak digestion, excess salivation, laziness, feels sleepy, cold, and respiratory disorders.Delusion, dizziness, palpitations, and loose joints.


Food Preferences

The increase of Doshas should be controlled by avoidance of foods that are disliked by the body as body itself knows its requirements better than we do. The decrease of Doshas should be managed by the indulgence of food that is desired for the very same reason.

Kapha Body type

The Doshas which have undergone increase and decrease generally produce the desire for foods that are distinct and similar (in properties to those of the Doshas) respectively; but not every person can recognize his body’s call due to non-familiarity and devoid of knowledge factor.

Levels of Dosha Increase and Decrease

Three states of dosha are described by the Acharyas according to the levels of their dushti (vitiation) due to improper food consumption or seasonal changes.


Chaya means increase of an individual dosha slightly on its original seat or location. Generally, it initiates the self-defense mechanism of our body (like increase of body temperature) to aware us of these slight changes in our body. Its ignorance may lead to various diseases.


When dosha is not balanced in its chaya avastha, it later on, leads to Kopa avastha. Dosha starts overflowing in other channels of the body and hampers the physiological processes by blocking those channels. In this state, symptoms of discomfort or diseases start to show up clearly leading to disease onset.


Sama avastha is the state of normalcy. When doshas are restored to their balanced state and levels all the previous symptoms disappear and the body again restores the damages from previous diseases or discomfort.

The Seasonal State of Doshas

Doshas in our body when exposed to different seasons respond differently. We should keep this in mind and take necessary precautions according to Dosha-Avastha (State of dosha).

VataSummerRainyLate winter
KaphaLate winterEarly winterSummer


Befriend Doshas in your Life

To live a meaningful life, you need to understand your body constitution first. Before knowing about a machine you cannot gain complete access to its benefits and functions. Only when you get to the depths of the situation will you be able to handle it more accurately. The same goes for your body.

Tridoshas are the fundamentals of our body and understanding the fundamentals is the first step towards learning about your mind and body. This way you can support your body most of the time without any external help because no-one knows your body more than you do. Listen to your body and it will give you a life full of contentment and prosperity.

What is Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Cleansing?

Ayurvedic Cleansing


Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Cleansing, and Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurveda has been a longstanding tradition in India, encompassing holistic healing practices that address the root cause of bodily ailments rather than simply treating their symptoms. Ayurveda’s cleansing techniques, known as Ayurvedic Cleansing, are a vital aspect of its philosophy, allowing individuals to detoxify and rejuvenate their bodies.

In addition to these practices, Ayurveda advocates the benefits of Ayurvedic Massage, which incorporates specialized oils and techniques aimed at promoting circulation, increasing flexibility, and reducing stress levels. Employing ancient knowledge and modern understandings, Ayurveda offers a unique and effective approach to healthcare, focusing on preventative measures and proactive self-care. As such, it has found growing acceptance around the world, as an alternative to conventional medical practices.


The term ‘Ayurveda’ is composed of two words:

‘Ayu’ + ‘Veda’

Here, ‘Ayu’ refers to longevity

Veda’ refers to science or scriptures full of knowledge.

It literally means the science of life, to extend one’s healthy and meaningful life.

Sanskrit ShlokaEnglish Meaning
Hitahitam Sukham Duhkhamayustasya Hitahitam |
Mananca Tacca Yatroktamayurvedah Sa Ucyate ||
Ayurveda is the science of life that presents the detailed idea of Hita-Ayu (Good and meaningful life), Ahita-Ayu (bad or meaning deficient life), Sukha-Ayu (Healthy and prosperous life), and Dukha-Ayu (Unhealthy or full of flounder life). It tells about the promoting and antagonizing factors that affect the quality of life. It gives a detailed concept about the wholesomeness and unwholesomeness of life to attain Moksha (solitude).


Aim of Ayurveda

The purpose of Ayurveda is explained so beautifully in the Sanskrit Shloka below:

Sanskrit ShlokaEnglish Meaning
Svasthasya svasthya rakshanam,

aaturasya vikaara pras`amanani c||

(Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana 30/26)

The chief purpose or aim of Ayurveda is to protect (Rakshana) the health (Swasthya) of the healthy beings (Swastha) and cure or manage (Prashamana) the diseases of mind and body (vikara) of the ill (Atura).


Acharya Vagbhatta states four entities of life (Chatura-Varga Purushartha) to achieve the purpose of life. They are:

  • 1. Dharma (the path of righteousness)
  • 2. Artha (meaningful pursuits in life)
  • 3. Kama (perpetration of desires)
  • 4. Moksha (achieve salvation)

Principles of Ayurveda

There are three fundamentals principles of Ayurveda:

  1. 1. Panchamahabhoota sidhanta

According to Ayurveda, the whole universe consists of five elements:

    1. A. Aakash (Space element)
    2. B. Vayu (Air element)
    3. C. Agni (Fire element)
    4. D. Jala (Water element)
    5. E. Prithvi (Earth element)

Our bodies also comprise of these five elements where space element conceives the body cavities, the fluid part in the body is made up of water element, agni manages the catabolic processes (like digestion) in the body where air element and earth element control the movements of different entities like hormones, enzymes, and fluids and the hardness of tough parts of the body respectively

  1. 2. Tridosha sidhanta

There are three types of defects or humors (Sharirik dosha) in the human body named as:

    • A. Vata
    • B. Pitta
    • C. Kapha

These doshas are also the product of the five fundamentals of life. These doshas are the responsible factors for maintaining the body’s natural functions.

Sanskrit ShlokaEnglish Meaning
vāyu: pittaṃ kaphaśceti trayo doṣā: samāsata: || vikṛtā’vikṛtā dehaṃ ghnanti te varttayanti ca |

(Ashtanga Hridayam 1/6)

In this Shloka, stating the importance of these doshas says that the perfect balance of these three humors in the body leads to the wholesome and healthy body whereas any Vikara (imbalance) is responsible for the disease.


There are three other doshas known as Manas Dosha (Humors of mind) that are: Satva, Rajas, and Tamas.

  1. 3. Samanya vishesha sidhanta

This sidhanta (principle) tells us about the miraculous effects of identical and distinctive materials. In Ayurveda, it is believed that an element backs up the element of its similar nature and opposes the distinct one.

Chief constituents of the body

According to Ayurveda, these constituents are the support system of the body. Imbalance of any of these constituents leads to discomfort and various diseases whereas their balance grants us a blissfully healthy life both mentally and physically.

  1. 1. Dosha (Body and Mind Humors)
  2. 2. Dhatu (Body tissues)
  3. 3. Mala (Waste products- urine, feces, and sweat)
  4. 4. Meda (Body fat)

Ayurvedic Cleansing

Your body knows when something is off and sends you the signals to make it right in time. Feeling lousy or lethargic is not all that bad when we can fix the upcoming dangerous diseases in its early stages. Whenever your body gives you signals like these, do not ignore them. Your body is your temple and your soul is your God.

If you ignore your body’s needs you are inviting ominous situations. If you are feeling unwell without any reason, search through your inner senses to figure out where the problem lies and there is no way you will fail to know the cause when you do it with absolute sincerity.

Feeling a certain way depends on your body’s dosha balance. Imbalanced doshas are the cause of an illness or discomfort. Whereas the Agni being an equally dominant figure since in majority of diseases, the cause of imbalanced dosha is Manda agni (low digestion fire).

We generally lose our appetite in anxiety, restlessness, or any illness. It is because stressful conditions hamper with our agni which further imbalances our dosha operation fabricating a major effect on our overall health (Both physical and mental health).

To balance the imbalanced constitution of our body, Ayurveda culture offers us the great honor of therapeutic strategies to determine one’s health constitution and improve the sense of emotional, physical, and spiritual balance and harmony.

There are certain Shodahana (Cleansing) procedures that eliminate all the toxins (ama) from our body, balance dosha trio while strengthening Agni.

Ayurveda Cleansing Procedures

Ayurvedic cleansing can be of two types:

  1. 1. Can be done by ourselves at home

Upvasa (Fasting) in the ‘Hindu religion’ is considered as a ritual.  But if we look at it in the medical framework, it holds an astounding advantage. According to Ayurveda, if we throw too much fuel (food) in the fire (Agni in our stomach/ digestive fire), it will obstruct the burning process and will result in manda-agni (low digestion power). Fasting is a powerful approach that facilitates the re-ignition of Agni and expels the toxins accumulated in our body. Fasting once a week or continuously three days a month helps us cleanse our body naturally.

  1. 2. Require Ayurveda physician’s supervision

In Ayurveda, there are three procedures which are performed under the physician’s guide and supervision:

  1. A. Snehana
  2. B. Swedana
  3. C. Shodhana

  1. Shodhana has further three types:
    1. C1. Vamana Karma (emesis) – For aggravated Kapha dosha.
    2. C2. Virechana Karma (Purgation) – For aggravated Pitta dosha.
    3. C3. Basti Karma (Suppositories) – For aggravated Vata dosha.

Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyanagam)

Acharya Vagbhatta describes Abhyanga as daily morning regimen. It alleviates the excess Vata Dosha and relieves tiredness (Shramahara). It decelerates the aging process (Jarahara). It is a good darsanakar (improves vision). Daily massage under feet, specifically under big toe, spine, head, and neck keep eye diseases at the bay. It nourishes and strengthens the body (Pushtikar), prolongs age (life-span), and induces good sleep (Swaspnakar).

It is an efficient Twakadhikara (improves skin complexion). Dryness is the definite sign of the provoked Vata element in the body. According to Acharya Charaka, oil massage daily on the navel area helps significantly in alleviating Vata dosha.

Massaging with certain herbal medicinal oils helps us fight against the microbes (Krimihara).

Abhigata Sahatwa (resilience against injuries) is another advantageous factor of Abhyanga. It is scientifically proven that people receiving daily massage tend to have great recovery speed compared to those who don’t.

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger

health benefits of ginger


8 Health Benefits of Ginger That You Must Know About

The botanical name for ginger is Zingiber officinale. It is widely used for its roots or rhizome. Ginger roots are used as a spice in everyday cooking in Indian curries, masala chai tea, and has also been used to a great extent in ancient Indian medicinal system of Ayurveda. Ginger roots have been used throughout Asia as a spice or aroma ingredient, such as, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and China.

Although ginger is grown in many countries around the globe, India is the largest producer of ginger in the world and stays in seventh position in its worldwide export. The reasons being India’s warm and humid climate, wide use in everyday cooking and chai tea, and its demand for Ayurveda medicines.

Nutritional information of Ginger

8 Health Benefits of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) found in Clinical Trials and Scientific Studies

  1. 1. Boosts Immunity

In times like these, we know that our body’s increased natural immunity is the most coveted goal. Human race has encountered various types of viruses in the last few decades, such as, common cold, flu, smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, and shingles, hepatitis, herpes and cold sores, polio, rabies, SARS and Ebola. A vaccine works by training our body’s immune system to recognize and combat foreign pathogens, either viruses or bacteria. This is accomplished by introducing certain molecules (antigens) from the foreign pathogens into the body to trigger the required immune response. Vaccines against pathogens take years to be developed in research laboratories and tested in clinical trials.

Wouldn’t it be prudent to enhance our natural immune system with healthy foods, good nutrition, beneficial herbs, exercise, yoga and meditation? Ginger has been used extensively in Ayurveda as natural immunity boosting ingredient, and also found beneficial in several scientific studies. Bhat et al. (2010) investigated the effect of a tea fortified with five herbs including ginger for their putative immuno enhancing effect on innate immunity. These were two independent double-blind intervention studies with healthy volunteers (age >or= 55 years) selected for a relatively low baseline natural killer (NK) cell activity and a history of recurrent coughs and colds. These studies indicated that regular consumption of the tea fortified with Ayurvedic herbs enhanced NK cell activity.

2. Anti-inflammatory agent

Various scientific investigations have shown that oxidative stress and inflammation inside human body may onset various diseases, such as, hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and atherosclerosis. Several studies have indicated that ginger may be beneficial to reduce the level of oxidative stress and inflammation and thereby may reduce muscle pain after intense physical activity. In a double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized experiments with 34 and 40 volunteers who consumed 2 grams of either raw or heated ginger or placebo for 11 consecutive days, Black et al. (2010) studied ginger’s effectiveness as a pain reliever. This study demonstrated that daily consumption of raw and heat-treated ginger resulted in moderate-to-large reductions in muscle pain following exercise-induced muscle injury.

3. Anti-oxidant agent

Increased free radical levels within body cause oxidative damage to biological molecules, including DNA, protein, and carbohydrates. This ongoing oxidative stress within body affects normal cell signaling, cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis and leads to various diseases. Kulkarni et al. (2016) explored the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect of ginger in pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) patients in a randomized and placebo-controlled study. Ginger was found to be effective as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant supplement along with anti-TB therapy as it possesses strong free radical scavenging property.

4. Anticancer potential

Several herbs, including ginger, have been studied as an anti-cancer natural agent due to their anti-oxidant effects. In an animal model study, Habib et al. (2008) found that ginger extract significantly reduced the elevated expression of NFkappaB and TNF-alpha in rats with liver cancer. The investigators of this study concluded that ginger may act as an anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agent by inactivating NFkappaB through the suppression of the pro-inflammatory TNF-alpha.

5. Promotes Gastrointestinal health

Emrani (2016) studied the potential benefits of ginger in preventing anti-tuberculosis drug-induced gastrointestinal adverse reactions including hepatotoxicity. Patients’ gastrointestinal complaints (nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, and abdominal pain) were recorded during the study period. The investigators concluded that ginger may be a potential option for prevention of anti-tuberculosis drug-induced gastrointestinal adverse reactions including hepatotoxicity.

6. Helps with Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a highly prevalent periodontal disease resulting from microbial infection and subsequent inflammation. Mahyari et al. (2016) investigated the efficacy of a poly-herbal mouthwash containing ginger extract in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial including subjects with gingivitis. This poly-herbal mouthwash was effective in the treatment of gingivitis and its efficacy was comparable to that of chlorhexidine mouthwash.

7. Helps with Diabetes

Arablou et al. (2014) assessed the effect of ginger consumption on glycemic status, lipid profile and some inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial of 70 type 2 diabetic patients. This study found that ginger reduced fasting plasma glucose, HbA1C, insulin, HOMA, triglyceride, total cholesterol, CRP and PGE₂ significantly compared with placebo group (p < 0.05).  Ginger also improved insulin sensitivity and some fractions of lipid profile in type 2 diabetic patients.

8. Aids with Arthritis

Altman et al. (2001) evaluated the efficacy and safety of a standardized and highly concentrated extract of 2 ginger species, Zingiber officinale and Alpinia galanga (EV.EXT 77), in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, parallel-group, 6-week study. In the 247 evaluable patients, the percentage of responders experiencing a reduction in knee pain on standing was superior in the ginger extract group compared with the control group. The investigators concluded that a highly purified and standardized ginger extract had a statistically significant effect on reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee.

Summary of Health Benefits of Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger has numerous health benefits due to its phenolic compounds gingerols and shogaols.

  • – Boosts Immunity
  • – Anti-inflammatory Agent
  • – Anti-oxidant Agent
  • – Anticancer Potential
  • – Promotes Gastrointestinal Health
  • – Helps with Gingivitis
  • – Helps with Diabetes
  • – Aids with Arthritis
  • – Cardiovascular Protective Agent
  • – Respiratory Protective Agent
  • – Anti-nausea Agent
  • – Anti-obesity Agent

So how can I consume Ginger to boost my immunity?

Ginger is widely used as a spice throughout the world, added as ingredient in cooking for various cuisine types, such as, Indian, Korean, Japanese, etc. Ginger is also used to make candies, soda, pickles, tea and alcoholic beverages. The juice from ginger roots is also used for flavoring dishes such as seafood, meat, and vegetarian dishes. Ginger roots are also dried and their powder is used as a flavoring agent to make ginger cookies, ginger bread, crackers and cakes, ginger ale, and ginger beer. Ginger root is cooked in sugar until soft to make ginger candies and sold as a confectionery food item in various stores.

Ginger CookiesGinger TeaGinger Candies


Ginger, scientifically known as Zingiber officinale, has been used medicinally for centuries due to its remarkable health benefits. It is known for its ability to boost immunity by fighting against harmful pathogens, as well as its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anticancer properties. The powerful anti-inflammatory action of ginger is accredited to the presence of gingerols and shogaols, which are known to reduce inflammation in the body caused by various diseases. It also exhibits potent antioxidant properties that protect the body from oxidative stress, which is a major cause of cellular damage.

Recent studies have shown that ginger is an effective natural remedy for a number of health conditions, including gastrointestinal disorders, gingivitis, diabetes, and arthritis. Ginger promotes gastrointestinal health by reducing inflammation and restoring the balance of healthy gut bacteria. It also helps in relieving symptoms associated with gingivitis, such as swelling and bleeding of the gums.

Ginger has proven to be beneficial for individuals with diabetes as it can regulate blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Moreover, ginger is also a potent anti-inflammatory agent that alleviates joint pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

The multitude of health benefits that ginger offers makes it a valuable addition to one’s daily diet. Whether you consume ginger in the form of supplements, tea or use it in culinary preparations, it is an excellent way of promoting good health and well-being.


Jyoti Bhat, Aparna Damle, Pankaj Vaishnav, Ruud Albers, Manoj Joshi, Gautam Banerjee (2010) In Vivo Enhancement of Natural Killer Cell Activity Through Tea Fortified With Ayurvedic Herbs. Phytother Res. 2010 Jan;24(1):129-35. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2889.

Saman Mahyari, Behnam Mahyari, Seyed Ahmad Emami, Bizhan Malaekeh-Nikouei, Seyedeh Pardis Jahanbakhsh, Amirhossein Sahebkar, Amir Hooshang Mohammadpour (2016) Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Polyherbal Mouthwash Containing Zingiber Officinale, Rosmarinus Officinalis and Calendula Officinalis Extracts in Patients With Gingivitis: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Feb;22:93-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2015.12.001. Epub 2015 Dec 10.

Tahereh Arablou, Naheed Aryaeian, Majid Valizadeh, Faranak Sharifi, AghaFatemeh Hosseini, Mahmoud Djalali (2014) The Effect of Ginger Consumption on Glycemic Status, Lipid Profile and Some Inflammatory Markers in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2014 Jun;65(4):515-20. doi: 10.3109/09637486.2014.880671. Epub 2014 Feb 4.

Christopher D Black, Matthew P Herring, David J Hurley, Patrick J O’Connor (2010) Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) Reduces Muscle Pain Caused by Eccentric Exercise. J Pain. 2010 Sep;11(9):894-903. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2009.12.013. Epub 2010 Apr 24.

Rashmi Anant Kulkarni, Ajit Ramesh Deshpande (2016) Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effect of Ginger in Tuberculosis. J Complement Integr Med. 2016 Jun 1;13(2):201-6. doi: 10.1515/jcim-2015-0032.

Shafina Hanim Mohd Habib, Suzana Makpol, Noor Aini Abdul Hamid, Srijit Das, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Yasmin Anum Mohd Yusof (2008) Ginger Extract (Zingiber Officinale) Has Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Effects on Ethionine-Induced Hepatoma Rats. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2008 Dec;63(6):807-13. doi: 10.1590/s1807-59322008000600017.

Zahra Emrani, Esphandiar Shojaei, Hossein Khalili (2016) Ginger for Prevention of Antituberculosis-induced Gastrointestinal Adverse Reactions Including Hepatotoxicity: A Randomized Pilot Clinical Trial. Phytother Res. 2016 Jun;30(6):1003-9. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5607. Epub 2016 Mar 7.

R D Altman, K C Marcussen (2001) Effects of a Ginger Extract on Knee Pain in Patients With Osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Nov;44(11):2531-8. doi: 10.1002/1529-0131(200111)44:11<2531::aid-art433>3.0.co;2-j.


8 Health Benefits of Amla

health benefits of amla


8 Health Benefits of Amla That You Never Knew

Phyllanthus emblica commonly known as Indian Gooseberry or Amla, family Euphorbiaceae, is an important fruit plant used widely in India’s ancient Ayurvedic medicinal system. Amla plant is used both for its medicinal properties and as a tonic to build up on vitality and vigor. Amla is highly nutritious and an important dietary source of vitamin C, minerals, and amino acids. The plant also contains phenolic compounds, tannins, phyllembelic acid, phyllembelin, rutin, curcum-inoids, and emblicol.

Amla is very well known in India for its high vitamin C content. Research has shown that Amla contains 20 times more vitamin C as compared to orange. 100 grams of Amla fruit may contain up to 800 mg of vitamin C, which is more than any critic fruit. Amla is actually quite useful in the treatment of human scurvy caused due to the deficiency of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a very potent antioxidant that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and other pressures. Vitamin C also helps boost body’s immune response.

Medicinal Parts of Amla

Medicinal parts of Amla plant are fruits, seeds, flowers, leaves and bark. Fresh fruit pulp is used in different Ayurvedic preparations. Dried rind of fruits is grounded to make powder and used as Amla Powder (traditionally called Amla Churna). All parts of Amla plant have medicinal properties, especially the fruit. In Ayurveda science, Amla fruit is used in the management of diabetes, asthma, anemia, hyperacidity, peptic ulcers, skin diseases, intermittent fever, diarrhea and dysentery. Amla seeds are used for the management of bronchitis and asthma. Amla flowers are refrigerant, cooling and are used to relieve constipation.


8 Health Benefits of Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) found in Clinical Trials and Scientific Studies

  1. 1. Prevention of Skin Weakening

A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study including 99 healthy female subjects examined the effect of ingestion of Lingonberry and Amla fruit extract (LAE) on several human skin conditions (Uchiyama et al. 2019). This study found improvements in skin elasticity and thickness, as well as in the stratum corneum water content and the degree of wrinkles.

2. Helps with Atherosclerosis

Endothelial dysfunction (ED) has been observed in individuals with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and contributes to the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. Usharani et al. (2019) found that Amla aqueous extract 500 mg twice daily significantly improved endothelial function, oxidative stress, systemic inflammation and lipid profile.

Dyslipidemia is one of the most frequently implicated risk factors for development of atherosclerosis. Upadya et al. (2019) found that Amla extract (500 mg) showed significant potential in reducing total cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as lipid ratios among 98 dyslipidemic patients .

3. Improvement of Oral Hygiene

Gao et al. (2018) studied Amla fruit extract for improving the effects on the imbalance of oral ecology, which may contribute to series of oral diseases. In this study, an examiner-blinded, randomized, and gum-base-controlled crossover manner was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a sugar-free chewing gum containing Amla fruit extract in changing the oral microbiome among twenty healthy young adults. The investigators concluded that chewing Amla (PE) gum might be a safe means of improving oral hygiene.

4. Helps with Heartburn

Karkon et al. (2018) evaluated the safety and efficacy of Amla tablet for improvement of symptoms of patients with Gastroesophageal reflux disease in a double-arm, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial among sixty-eight patients who received 500 mg Amla tablets twice a day.  This clinical trial demonstrated that Amla could reduce frequencies of heartburn and regurgitation and improve heartburn and regurgitation severity in patients with Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

5. Helps with Lipid Lowering among Diabetics

Akhtar et al. (2011) evaluated the anti-hyperglycemic and lipid-lowering properties of Amla fruit in normal and diabetic human volunteers. The results indicated that diabetic subjects exhibited a significant decrease in total lipids on day 21.

6. Potent Anti-oxidant

A study by Chen et al. (2009) suggests that Amla supplementation may increase plasma antioxidant power and decrease oxidative stress in uremic patients.

7. Anti-inflammatory

Muthu et al. (2018) investigated the protective effects of Amla on the pathogenesis of oxidative stress (OS) and inflammatory response in hypothyroid rats. The study found that Amla improves hepatic and renal oxidative stress and the inflammatory response in hypothyroid female wistar rats fed with a high-fat diet.

8. Anti-cancer

A review study conducted by Yadav at el. (2017) analyzed and summarized the pharmacological actions, experimental studies and clinical trials of Amla with emphasis on its immuno-enhancer, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities and possible mechanism of actions to provide future directions in translating these findings clinically.

Zhao et al. (2015) provide a brief overview of the evidence supporting anticancer activity of Indian Gooseberry extracts, suggest possible mechanisms for these actions, and provide future directions that might be taken to translate these findings clinically.

Additional Benefits of Amla

Amla has also been seen to aids digestion and bloating; reduce menstrual cramps; increases hair growth; increase urination and eliminates toxins; and increase immunity against infections.

Summary of Health Benefits of Amla (Phyllanthus emblica)
– Prevention of Skin Weakening
– Helps with Atherosclerosis
– Improvement of Oral Hygiene
– Helps with Heartburn
– Helps with Lipid Lowering among Diabetics
– Potent Anti-oxidant
– Anti-inflammatory Agent
– Anti-cancer Agent
– Aids with Digestion and Bloating
– Reduce Menstrual Cramps
– Increases Hair Growth
– Increase Urination and Eliminates Toxins
– Increase Immunity against Infections

So how can I consume Amla to improve my health?

Although it might be difficult to eat raw Amla fruit due to its high vitamin C content, there are so many ways to relish this fruit and enjoy its benefits mentioned above. Amla fruit is commonly pickled with salt, oil, and spices. Most commonly, people of India make Amla marmalade (commonly called Amla Murabbah), a sweet dish made by soaking the berries in sugar syrup until they are candied. This is traditionally consumed after meals as dessert. Other way to consume Amla is by mixing its powder into water and making a delicious drink (add salt and/or sugar as desired).

Amla PickleAmla MarmaladeAmla Drink



Uchiyama T, Tsunenaga M, Miyanaga M, Ueda O, Ogo M. (2019) Oral intake of lingonberry and amla fruit extract improves skin conditions in healthy female subjects: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2019 Sep;66(5):870-879. doi: 10.1002/bab.1800. Epub 2019 Aug 16.

Usharani P, Merugu PL, Nutalapati C. (2019) Evaluation of the effects of a standardized aqueous extract of Phyllanthus emblica fruits on endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, systemic inflammation and lipid profile in subjects with metabolic syndrome: a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled clinical study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 May 6;19(1):97. doi: 10.1186/s12906-019-2509-5.

Upadya H, Prabhu S, Prasad A, Subramanian D, Gupta S, Goel A. (2019) A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, multicenter clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of Emblica officinalis extract in patients with dyslipidemia. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 Jan 22;19(1):27. doi: 10.1186/s12906-019-2430-y.

Gao Q, Li X, Huang H, Guan Y, Mi Q, Yao J (2018) The Efficacy of a Chewing Gum Containing Phyllanthus emblica Fruit Extract in Improving Oral Health. Curr Microbiol. 2018 May;75(5):604-610. doi: 10.1007/s00284-017-1423-7. Epub 2018 Mar 21.

Karkon Varnosfaderani S, Hashem-Dabaghian F, Amin G, Bozorgi M, Heydarirad G, Nazem E, Nasiri Toosi M, Mosavat SH (2018) Efficacy and safety of Amla (Phyllanthus emblica L.) in non-erosive reflux disease: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Integr Med. 2018 Mar;16(2):126-131. doi: 10.1016/j.joim.2018.02.008. Epub 2018 Feb 13.

Akhtar MS, Ramzan A, Ali A, Ahmad M. (2011) Effect of Amla fruit (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) on blood glucose and lipid profile of normal subjects and type 2 diabetic patients. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2011 Sep;62(6):609-16. doi: 10.3109/09637486.2011.560565. Epub 2011 Apr 18.

Chen TS, Liou SY, Chang YL. (2009) Supplementation of Emblica officinalis (Amla) extract reduces oxidative stress in uremic patients. Am J Chin Med. 2009;37(1):19-25.

Muthu PR, Bobby Z, Sankar P, Vickneshwaran V, Jacob SE. (2018) Amla (Emblica officinalis) improves hepatic and renal oxidative stress and the inflammatory response in hypothyroid female wistar rats fed with a high-fat diet. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol. 2018 Mar 28;29(2):175-184. doi: 10.1515/jbcpp-2017-0116.

Zhao T, Sun Q, Marques M, Witcher M. (2015) Anticancer Properties of Phyllanthus emblica (Indian Gooseberry). Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2015;2015:950890. doi: 10.1155/2015/950890. Epub 2015 Jun 9.

Yadav SS, Singh MK, Singh PK, Kumar V. (2017) Traditional knowledge to clinical trials: A review on therapeutic actions of Emblica officinalis. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017 Sep;93:1292-1302. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.07.065. Epub 2017 Jul 23.

Immunity Booster Drink during Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: All Natural Home Made Ayurveda Recipe

Immunity Booster Drink

In this short video, we are going to show you how you can make an effective and delicious immunity booster drink in just 10 simple steps. This is an all natural and homemade Ayurveda recipe. You can find all its ingredients in your local grocery store. So let’s watch and learn.

Below is the simple 10-step recipe for Immunity Booster Ayurveda drink shown in the video above.

Step 1

Fill up a medium sauce pan with water, all the way to the top.

Step 2

We are going to need cloves. Cloves contain high amounts of antioxidants, which help the immune system in fighting off oxidative damage and free radicals. But the main ingredient that makes cloves very powerful for increasing immunity, is the substance eugenol, which is also what gives cloves their distinctive odor. Eugenol has been proven effective against many harmful bacteria and viruses and also is effective in fighting funguses.

Step 3

We are going to need black peppers seeds. Black peppers have been found to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, which could help fight rogue cancer cells as well as boost the immune system.

Step 4

We are going to need ginger roots. Ginger contains gingerols, paradols, sesquiterpenes, shogaols, and zingerone, all of which have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Due to its strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects, ginger may boost immune health.

Step 5

We are going to boil cloves, black peppers, and ginger in the medium sauce pan full with water. Add 20 cloves, 20 black pepper seeds, and about two table spoons of ginger roots cut in small pieces into the water. Boil the water to full heat and bring it to full boil.

Step 6

Add a couple of cinnamon sticks to the boiling water. Cinnamon is loaded with powerful antioxidants, such as polyphenols. Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps your body fight infections and repair tissue damage.

Step 7

Add a few basil leaves to the boiling water. Basil contains disease-fighting antioxidants and antibacterial properties. Basil acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and contains antimicrobial properties that fight viruses and infections.

Step 8

Add a couple of lemon slices to the boiling water. Lemons are high in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant, which enhances the immune system. Lemon also has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Step 9

This is an optional step. Add a few honey drops to the boiling water. Honey’s antioxidant and antibacterial properties help improve the digestive system and boost immunity. However, if you are diabetic, you can skip adding honey. Your drink already has great immunity boosting ingredients.

Step 10

Boil all the added ingredients to full heat until the water level goes down to half the original level. You will notice that the water color has changed to golden brown.


Information provided in this video should not be taken as medical advice for Coronavirus or any other medical condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. We do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. In case of symptoms, you should consult your primary care physician or health care provider.