Stronger Joints For Better Life


Stronger Joints For Better Life

You are literally your bones! Bones are what enable you to have a form and also enable you to move. The movement is due to the stronger joints.  The bones in your joints are not in direct contact with one another. Your joints are cushioned by articular cartilage, synovial membranes around the joint, and lubricating fluid (synovial fluid). As you get older, the cartilage in your joints thins and the amount of lubricating fluid inside your joints decreases, making joint movement stiffer and less flexible. Joints feel stiff because of the tendency of ligaments to shorten and lose some of their flexibility over time.


Every year, millions of people from diverse fields and backgrounds suffer from joint discomfort. 25% of adults experience joint pain due to arthritis or injury. Some common causes of joint pain are arthritis, connective tissue diseases, and vitamin D deficiency.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): It causes swelling, inflammation, and pain in the joints. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system attacks healthy cells in their body; it is essentially an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the affected body part. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect many joints at once but it commonly affects the joints in the wrists, hands, and knees.  It is usually characterized by severe pain, especially in areas with damaged tissues.

Gout: Generates flare-ups of uncomfortable joint inflammation. A gout attack can cause excruciating pain. The big toe is typically the first joint where gout first manifests itself, though it can also affect other joints. It is a relatively complex form of arthritis and it is quite common.

gout facts

Vitamin D deficiency: Joint discomfort may be one indication that you severely lack this vitamin. Vitamin D is very essential for nourishing our bones. Lack of sufficient vitamin D could lead to knee pain, it may also cause muscle pain. Vitamin D deficiency can cause rheumatoid arthritis if proper care is not taken

Connective tissue diseases: All of the body’s tissues, including tendons, ligaments, skin, eyes, cartilage, bone, and blood vessels, are affected by when one is suffering from connective tissue diseases. Examples of connective tissue disease include scleroderma and systemic lupus erythematosus.


As we age, that cartilage that provides padding to the bones at the joint wears down leading to osteoarthritis. Although osteoarthritis can harm any joint, it usually affects the hands, knees, hips, and spine joints. The most prevalent type of arthritis is osteoarthritis as it affects millions of individuals worldwide.

Osteoarthritis with Inflammation

 General Symptoms of Arthritis

  • – Pain; this characteristic of all forms of arthritis, the inflammation in the joints leads to painful joints
  • – It reduces mobility. You might not be able to move the affected area normally.
  • – Redness; the affected joint might be swollen and it could feel tender to the touch.
  • – Bone growths; around the afflicted joint, these excess pieces of bone that feel like hard lumps, can form.
  • – Swelling; Inflammation of the soft tissues near the joint may be the cause of this, it is usually accompanied by pain.

Factors that make you predisposed to Arthritis

  • – Age; as you get older you are at a higher risk of having arthritis
  • – Sex; depending on the type of arthritis, your sex determines the risk of having it. Women are more predisposed to rheumatoid and osteoarthritis while men are likely to have gout.
  • – Obesity; various ways of carrying more weight increase your chance of developing osteoarthritis. Weight gain puts additional strain on joints that support your body’s weight, like your hips and knees. Additionally, proteins produced by adipose tissue have the potential to injure your joints by inflaming the area around them.
  • – Joint injuries; injuries might make you more susceptible to arthritis, such as those sustained in sports or from accidents. Injuries can increase the risk of developing arthritis even if the injury happened years ago and is
  • – Stress; the constant strain on the joint can also increase the risk of developing arthritis.
  • – Heredity; certain people have an inherited susceptibility to getting arthritis.
  • – Bone malformations; some people are born with faulty cartilage or deformed joints.

What exactly is Inflammation?

Inflammation occurs when cells surround foreign bodies or sites of injuries. Inflammatory cells themselves are not bad for the joint but they become a problem when they “overstay their welcome” so to speak. Primarily, they aim to sort of localize damaged tissues and spread such contamination throughout the body

What is in the Joints & Knees Kit for Stronger Joints?

Our team at Perfect Svasthya has over 40 years of combined expertise in the development, and production of dietary supplements. Our principal focus has been to formulate remarkable anti-inflammatory supplements. With plant extracts, specifically, those plants that Ayurveda has researched for more than 5,000 years, we create supplements. As an effective treatment for chronic inflammation, the Joints & Knees Kit improves all areas of the body where inflammation and discomfort may be present. It is also a good anti-aging supplement. The ingredients in the Joints & Knees Kit are all natural.

Joint & Knees Kit

The Joints & Knees Kit contains all-natural, scientifically tested ingredients, specifically combined to relieve pain and rebuild cartilage to promote healthy joints. The Joints & knees kit is a special combination of Bromelain enzyme from pineapples, Boswellia serrata plant extract, and New Zealand Green Lipped Mussels (Perna canaliculus) extract. This formula supports knee mobility and works to maintain the health and flexibility of all the body’s joints.

Boswellia serrata extract

The Boswellia serrata tree is the source of the herbal extract known as Boswellia, also referred to as Indian frankincense. The Boswellia serrata tree is native to India, Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. It is frequently used by Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal system.

In traditional Asian and African medicine, resin prepared from Boswellia extract has been used for centuries. It’s thought to treat several other medical conditions as well as chronic inflammatory diseases.

Chemicals found in Boswellia serrata may reduce edema and boost the immune system. Boswellia serrata extract can also be used for osteoarthritis. It has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties, it nourishes the skin and stomach.

Bromelain extracts

The stem, fruit, and juice of the pineapple plant are used to make the protein-digesting enzyme combination known as bromelain. It has a long history of being utilized, mainly in Central and South America, to treat medical conditions. Along with the other components of the Joints and Knees Kit, bromelain can help reduce inflammation.


In addition, it can be used as a digestive aid, it is also used to treat osteoarthritis and ease aching muscles. Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic characteristics make it a potent remedy for osteoarthritis-related pain, soft-tissue swelling, and joint stiffness. Blood platelets can’t cling together or cluster together when exposed to bromelain (aggregation). This might reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems and clot formation.

Fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil can lessen chronic inflammation, thus reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. To minimize inflammation and support bone and joint health, the joints & knees kit contains high-quality fish oil with long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Omega-3 fatty acids reduce heart disease risk factors, battle depression and anxiety, and support brain function.

Anti Inflammatory Omega 3

Omega-3 fatty acids are not produced naturally by your body; it has to be included in your diet. We’ve included it in our supplement so you can benefit from it. They play a significant role in the membranes that surround our cells and support the healthy operation of numerous tissues, including our brains. It aids in reducing inflammation, which can ease general joint pain and knee pain.

Green-lipped Mussels

Chondroitin sulfate, a naturally occurring component in connective tissues including joints and bones, and present in green-lipped mussels, may have anti-inflammatory effects similar to those of aspirin. The mussels are also a superb source of iron, selenium, several B vitamins, and a rich source of zinc in addition to these anti-inflammatory elements.

green lipped mussel

We freeze-dry the extract at low temperature to remove water content in order retain nutrients and provide stability before packaging. We import green lipped mussel extract from New Zealand, where it is official policy to market products as “Made in New Zealand.” It strictly regulates the mussel cultivation process. Green-lipped mussels are cultivated in the waters of the Marlborough Sounds, and these waters are frequently examined for purity and the lack of viruses and germs. The mussels from New Zealand are therefore suitable for human consumption.

How does it work?

Chronic synovial inflammation, which affects the membrane that secretes synovial fluid, is brought on by an unhealthy, unbalanced diet and a lack of exercise. The secretion of lubricating and nourishing fluid is subsequently disrupted, which causes damage to the cartilages and other joint components. Your joints hurt because of synovium inflammation. The Joints & Knees Kit’s active component, which targets and reduces inflammation to treat joint pain, is able to do so because it has a special combination of anti-inflammatory agents.

It aids in cellular coordination and communication because it is high in mucopolysaccharides. Anticoagulation, wound healing, and healthy cell growth and proliferation are all benefits to be enjoyed by our supplement. It is also good for digestion, immunity, and skin. The Joints & Knees Kit addresses inflammation, pain and the repair of damaged cartilages and other tissues of joints. The dual approach is what sets the joint & knees kit distinct from other options.

What are customers saying about the Joints & Knees Kit

We put your chances at 80% based on the reviews we have received from customers who have used the Joints & Knees Kit. It takes about 15 days to get relief based on customer review. It is a top-notch dietary addition.  It is highly unlikely that you won’t be pleased with the outcomes if you use the Joints & Knees Kit consistently for three months. However, you can cancel your subscription in the first month if for whatever reason you are not happy with the outcomes.

Is it safe?

We investigate the synergistic effects of sea and plant nutrition to use in a potent formulation   to support joints health based on our preclinical and clinical research findings. The goal of this approach is to maximize the synergistic effects of sea nutrition and Ayurvedic herbs in order to relieve joint inflammation and bring about pain relief.

We adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines that are similar to those used by the pharmaceutical industry in our FDA-registered manufacturing facility.

The Joint & Knees Kit satisfies the highest requirements for quality and safety because we are an International Standards Organization (ISO) registered facility.

The ingredients in the Joints & Knees Kit are 100 percent natural and pure. Pregnant women can use the Joints & Knees Kit without any concerns. But before taking it, we recommended that you check with your doctor if you are pregnant or lactating. There are absolutely no negative effects. It is also a potent dietary supplement for anti-aging.


Orders delivered within the United States are delivered quickly using USPS First Class mail. Approximately 5-7 business days should pass before the Joints & Knees Kit reaches your mailing address. You will receive an email with the status of your order.

We are positive that as you start this fruitful journey with us it will ensure you are able to live life to its fullest by having strong, functional joints that are able to carry stronger for longer………the Joints & knees kit is it!


Joints play a crucial role in the body’s movement and stability. Stronger joints help prevent injuries and support an active lifestyle. However, joint diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis can cause degeneration of the joint tissues, leading to inflammation and pain. Arthritis is a general term for joint inflammation, while osteoarthritis occurs due to wear and tear of the joints over time. Strategies that promote joint health include maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, and proper nutrition. Early intervention and treatment are also essential in preventing joint damage and minimizing discomfort associated with joint diseases.