7 Diseases That Cause Joints Pain In Legs


7 Diseases That Cause Joints Pain In Legs

Joints pain is a common issue that can affect people of all ages. It can occur in any joint in the body, including joint pain in legs, hips, back, and shoulder. This pain can range from mild to severe in intensity. There are many potential causes of joint pain, including injury, inflammation, and certain medical conditions.

What Is A Joint?

A joint is a point where two or more bones meet in the body. Joints play a vital role in allowing us to move and perform a wide range of activities. They are held together by various tissues, including bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, and are supported by muscles and other tissues.

There are three main types of joints:

– Fibrous joints: Fibrous joints are held together by tough, fibrous tissue and do not allow for much movement. Examples of fibrous joints include the sutures in the skull and the joint between the upper and lower jaw.

– Cartilaginous joints: Cartilaginous joints are held together by cartilage, a type of flexible connective tissue. These joints allow for some movement, but not as much as synovial joints. Examples of cartilaginous joints include the joints between the vertebrae in the spine, the joint between the sternum, and the ribs.

– Synovial joints: Synovial joints are the most common type of joint in the body and are characterized by the presence of a joint capsule, which encloses the joint and contains a lubricating fluid called synovial fluid. These joints allow for a wide range of movement and are found in the shoulders, hips, knees, and other areas.

Joints pain all over body can occur when there is an issue with any of these tissues or when there is an underlying medical condition that affects the joints. Joints pain at night can be worse particularly for people with arthritis or other conditions that cause chronic pain. Joints pain at night can interfere with sleep and can lead to fatigue and other problems.

 Diseases That Cause Joints Pain In Legs

Joints pain in legs can be caused by a variety of factors that can affect people of all ages.

knee relief

Below are 7 types of diseases that cause joints pain in legs:

  1. 1. Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most common type of joint pain and occurs when the cartilage in a joint wears down over time. It most often affects the hands, knees, hips, and lower back. Symptoms of osteoarthritis may include pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving the affected joint. It can cause pain especially when pressure is added to the affected part or the cartilage. An x-ray of the affected area may reveal its severity.
  2. 2. Rheumatoid arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and stiffness in the joints. It can affect any joint in the body but is most commonly seen in the hands, wrists, and knees. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis may include joint stiffness, pain and swelling.
  3. 3. Gout: Gout is sort of an unexplained form of arthritis that occurs when the amount of uric acid in the blood is higher than normal, and forms crystals in the joints. It most often affects the big toe, but can also affect the ankles, knees, wrists, thigh and fingers. Symptoms of gout may include sudden and severe joint pain, swelling, and redness.
  4. 4. Bursitis: Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa, which is a small, fluid-filled sac that cushions the bones, tendons, and muscles near a joint. It can occur in any joint in the body but is most commonly seen in the shoulder, elbow, and hip. Symptoms of bursitis may include pain, swelling, and stiffness.
  5. 5. Sprains: A sprain is an injury to a ligament, which is a band of tissue that connects bones. It can occur when a joint is twisted or turned too far and is most commonly seen in the ankles, wrists, and knees. Symptoms of a sprain may include pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the affected joint.
  6. 6. Fractures: A fracture is a break in a bone. It can occur as a result of an injury, such as a fall or car accident, or due to a medical condition that weakens the bones, such as osteoporosis. Symptoms of a fracture may include pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the affected joint.
  7. 7. Tendinopathy: Tendinopathy is a term that refers to any condition that affects a tendon, including tendinitis and tendinosis. Tendinitis is inflammation of a tendon, while tendonosis is a degenerative condition that results from overuse or repetitive strain. Symptoms of tendinopathy may include pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving the affected joint. This affects the muscles of the knee and prevents it from being moved towards your body.

Joints Pain In Pregnancy

Joints pain in pregnancy occurs particularly in the later stages when the weight of the baby puts extra strain on the joints. Another cause of joint pain in pregnancy could be due to postural shifts that occur to accommodate the fetus during pregnancy, Hormonal changes during this period can also cause the joints to become more lax, which can lead to joint pain in pregnancy (3).

Common Areas Of Joint Pain in Pregnancy

There are certain areas in the body where you feel pain the most while pregnant, they include;

  1. 1. Sacroiliac/hip joint pain. The sacroiliac joint is the joint between the tailbone and the pelvis. These joints play an important role in supporting your weight and distributing it across your pelvis.
  2. 2. Lower back pain. Also known as Lumbar pain, is usually triggered by the softening of the ligaments in the pelvic area.
  3. 3. Knee pain. Due to weight gain during pregnancy, some people experience joint pain in the leg, especially the knee joints.
  4. 4. Pelvic joint pain. You may experience pain in the pelvic region in the perineum area or front center of your pubic bone. This could lead to the symphysis pubis, a more serious condition.

Nutrient Deficiencies That Causes Joint Pain In Legs

Certain nutrient deficiencies may contribute to joint pain. When the body lack certain nutrients, it becomes predisposed to various bone diseases, including joint pain.

green lipped mussel

Here are a few examples of nutrients that may help relieve pain:

– Vitamin D deficiency: Vitamin D is important for maintaining strong bones and may also play a role in reducing inflammation. A deficiency in vitamin D may increase the risk of joint pain and osteoporosis (2).

– Calcium deficiency: Calcium is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. A calcium deficiency may increase the risk of osteoporosis, which can lead to joint pain and fractures.

– Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency: Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish and certain plant-based sources, may have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce joint pain. A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of joint pain and inflammation.

– Vitamin C deficiency: Vitamin C is important for maintaining healthy connective tissue, including the ligaments and tendons that support the joints. A deficiency in vitamin C may increase the risk of joint pain and other musculoskeletal problems.

– Protein deficiency: Protein is essential for maintaining healthy muscles and other tissues, including the cartilage that cushions the joints. A deficiency in protein may increase the risk of joint pain and other musculoskeletal problems.

Symptoms Of Joint Pain In Legs

Joints pain symptoms can vary depending on the underlying cause. In general, joints pain symptoms may include pain, stiffness, swelling, and difficulty moving the affected joint. Some people may also experience warmth and redness around the joint. The joint also becomes weak and unstable in some people.

Treatment For Joint Pain In Legs

There are many different medications and treatments available for joint pain. Joint pain best medicine will depend on the underlying cause of the pain and the severity of the symptoms. For mild to moderate joint pain, over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, may be sufficient. For more severe joint pain, prescription pain medications or other treatments may be necessary. For example, steroid injections, DMARDS, and topical capsaicin (1).

One supplement that has been shown to be effective for joints pain glucosamine. Glucosamine is a natural compound that is found in the body and is believed to help support healthy joints. It is available in supplement form and is often used to treat osteoarthritis and other types of joint pain. Joints pain glucosamine is used orally to treat conditions caused by the breakdown, inflammation, and eventual loss of cartilage (4). It is known to slow the progression of arthritis.

Massage therapy has been shown to treat joint pain and stiffness, as well as improve the range of motion and walking.

Surgery. Arthritis can cause serious damage to the joints. Surgery may be required to help fix or replace a damaged joint, improve the way the joint functions, and reduce pain (5).

When To Seek A Healthcare Professional For Joint Pain In Legs

Joint pain is rarely an emergency. Most cases of mild joint pain can be successfully managed at home. Make an appointment with your physician if your joint pain is accompanied by redness, warmth, tenderness, and swelling around the affected joint. Also, see a doctor as soon as possible if your joint pain is caused by an injury and is accompanied by an inability to use the joint, a deformed joint and intense pain.

However, some causes of joint pain might need to be treated urgently.

– Fracture (broken bones).

– Infection in a joint (septic arthritis).

– Rheumatoid arthritis. This is because the sooner you begin treatment, the better it is for it to be treated without the risk of long-term effect.

How To Prevent Joints Pain In Legs – Risk Factors

It is important to take care of your joints to help prevent joint pain. Some tips for maintaining healthy joints include:

  1. 1. Staying physically active: One of the most important things you can do to manage joint pain is to stay physically active. Regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles around the joints, improve flexibility and range of motion, and reduce stiffness and pain. It is important to find low-impact activities that do not put too much strain on the joints, such as swimming or cycling. It is also important to stretch before and after exercising to help reduce stiffness and improve flexibility.
  2. 2. Maintaining a healthy weight: Extra weight puts additional strain on the joints, particularly the knees, hips, and lower back. Losing excess weight can help reduce joint pain and improve mobility.
  3. 3. Eating a healthy diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help support healthy joints. Some studies have also suggested that certain foods, such as fatty fish, olive oil, and nuts may have anti-inflammatory properties and may help manage joint pain.
  4. 4. Protecting your joints: It is important to use proper body mechanics and to take breaks when engaging in activities that put a strain on the joints, such as lifting heavy objects or standing for long periods. Using assistive devices, such as a cane or crutches, can also help reduce strain on the joints. Other lifestyle modifications include applying heat or ice to the affected joint and taking warm baths or showers to help relax muscles.
  5. 5. Stretching regularly: Stretching can help improve flexibility and reduce stiffness and pain in the joints. It is important to stretch before and after exercising and to hold each stretch for at least 20-30 seconds.
  6. 6. Getting enough rest: Adequate sleep is important for overall health and can help reduce joint pain and stiffness.


In conclusion, joint pain is a common issue that can affect people of all ages and can occur in any joint in the body. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, inflammation, and certain medical conditions. Staying physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, and making lifestyle changes can help manage joint pain. If you are experiencing joint pain, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.



  1. 1. https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/guide/joint-pain
  2. 2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3188408/


  1. 4. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-glucosamine/art-20362874
  2. 5. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/arthritis-surgery