Methods Of Knee Relief


Methods Of Knee Relief

There are both surgical and non-surgical methods of knee relief, and knee relief is needed to relieve pain in the knee joint. The knee joint is one of the major joints in the body and has been identified as the biggest joint of the human body, and it serves as the point of connection for both the upper and lower bones of the lower limbs, that is the femur and the tibia.

The joint allows for easy mobility of the limb allowing for walking, squatting, sitting, and jumping. The components of the knee joint are:

Femur: The femur bone is the longest in the human body located at the thigh

Tibia: Tibia bone is another long bone in the body located at the lower leg, also referred to as the shin bone.

Patella: patella bone is a triangular thick bone serving as a cap over the bones, otherwise called the knee cap (1).

Tendons: the tendon is a component of a joint that helps to connect the bones to the muscles

Cartilage: The cartilage is responsible for absorbing shock, serving as joint protective lining.

Ligament: Ligaments are the tissue components that connect bone to bones

Meniscus: frictions are prevented in the joint with the help of the meniscus, which provides a cushion effect deep inside the joint space

Bursa: bursa is located under the skin, a pad-like structure that serves a protective function (2).

Indications For Knee Relief

Knee relief is necessary for various conditions that affect the knee, ranging from knee pain to post-amputation and lots more. The following are some of the conditions that require knee relief:

A. Knee pain and other common knee problems

Knee pain is the commonest reason why knee relief is often needed. Knee pain is caused by severa- factors but joint overuse, knee pain and inflammation called arthritis or osteoarthritis, and injuries are the leading causes of knee pain. However, knee pain is a common event in old age due to degenerative joint disease present in the elderly, a common condition referred to as osteoarthritis. Below are some of the causes of knee pain.

  1. 1. Joint overuse

Frequent use of the joint as in athletes or footballers leads to inflammation of the bursa referred to as bursitis. The bursae are located in every joint of the human body where they serve as cushions protecting the bones and tendons, as wel- as the muscles.

The knee contains bigger bursae due to its large surface area and when knee overuse is the cause, it causes the bursae to be inflamed and swollen which most times manifest with knee pain. Bursitis causes knee pain at night or nighttime knee pain and it has been one of the causes of knee pain lying down. Most times the site of pain is deep inside the knee causing knee pain lower inside or right on the knee cap leading to knee pain top of knee cap, and the affected knee is also warm touch (3).

  1. 2. Injury

Knee pain following injury is sometimes severe and the range of severity is dependent on the part or component of the knee that is affected. Some common injuries that may cause pain and a unstable knee are:

Tendonitis: this refers to inflammation of the joint tendons and is often a result of running or in cases of repeated jumping, this leads to knee pain top of knee cap, knee pain going up stairs, and pain just between the shin and the cap covering of the knee, irritation of the knee tendon also lead to knee pain lying down (4).

Knee ligament injuries: injuries to the knee ligaments from trauma or sports leads to knee pain. Knee pain ligament is commonly from the anterior cruciate ligament and it is mostly due to contact injuries such as sports (5).

Dislocation of kneecap: Trauma is the commonest cause of knee cap dislocation leading to a shift in the origina- position of the knee cap. Knee pain top of knee cap is the most common clinica- manifestation of this kind of injury.

Menisca- tear: The semi-solid slippery tissue located at the joint that aids the smooth movement of bones together is referred to as the meniscus. Tear to this structure is one of the common injuries that precipitated knee pain, and it often presents with knee pain like sharp needle (2).

  1. 3. Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that occurs as a result of wear and tear at the joint over a long period. An increase in body weight is one of the major risk factors for osteoarthritis, old age also predisposes to osteoarthritis leading to excessive workload and stress on the knee. Osteoarthritis leads to knee pain lying down and knee pain in pregnancy, especially in multiple gestations where weight gain can be massive (2).

  1. 4. Gout

Gout occurs when there is excessive accumulation of uric acid in the body, known as hyperuricemia, which most times occurs from difficulty in waste excretion as in chronic kidney disease. Knee pain gout is often very severe pain in the morning, and acute pain manifests as a hot and red joint with a sudden onset of pain (4).

  1. 5. Exercises

Certain forms of exercises have been noted to be responsible for knee pain in some patients presenting to the clinic. Knee pain leg extension is common in fitness enthusiast that does exercises involving leg extension, and knee pain lunges are also popular among individuals lunging.

Knee pain VA rating

VA simply refers to the Veteran Affairs, the VA rates pains and injuries of the musculoskeleta- system deciding if they are qualified to be called a disability. There are certain conditions and criteria to be met before knee pain can be considered for the functiona- loss under the VA rating.

To be eligible for a knee pain VA rating, the veteran must be able to fulfil- the criteria below for a knee pain VA rating:

– Such an individua- must have been diagnosed in a medica- facility to have knee pain and must be in the medica- records

– That the knee pain was complicated and got worse in active military service or by another service connected to the disability.

– Such pain must be persistent and recurrent in terms of frequency, intensity, and duration of the pain, and there must associate functiona- impairment or loss (6).

B. Fracture – a common knee problem

A fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone. The knee cap can be fractured in severe forcefu- trauma and this produces knee pain top of kneecap in later years such individuals experience knee pain on stairs because of the up and down motion of the kneecap on stairs (4).

C. Prolong immobility

Immobility without frequent or occasional exercise is a risk factor for knee pain and pain in other joints of the body. Hospita- admission for a long period or long-distance drivers are prone to knee pain from driving, and such people wil- require knee relief.

Knee Pain Keeping You Up All Night – Methods Of Knee Relief

There are both surgical and non-surgical methods of knee relief, and the method to be employed will depend largely on the cause of the knee pain. Depending on the method to be used, it is best to see a medical practitioner. For individuals just arriving at a location or who just relocated, they can go online and search for “knee pain doctor near me” to have access to good health care. Losing weight may help with knee pain relief to some extent, but usually knee pain issue has to do with more than excessive body weight.

A. Non-surgical methods of knee relief for knee arthritis

The non-surgical method of knee relief can be pharmacological or non-pharmacological to keep your knee healthy. These methods can be used for pain in both hip and knee.

  1. 1. Pharmacological method

Below are the pharmacological methods of pain relief:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs are usually employed for mild to moderate knee pain, and most people with such category of pain treat themselves with over-the-counter non-steroida- anti-inflammatory drugs or with the use of acetaminophen.

NSAIDs are wel- known for their efficiency in helping to relieve pain and reducing swelling from inflammation. Some of the most used NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen sodium available over the counter in various brand names. Knee pain gout in a patient with gout or knee pain from driving can be treated with NSAIDs (7).


Acetaminophen is a widely known analgesic that helps to relieve pain as wel- as bring down a high temperature. It has been trusted and proven reliable in the management of knee pain. It can help to reduce knee pain like sharp needles experienced in patients with osteoarthritis or knee pain lying down from injury to the tendons. Some common examples of sports medicine containing acetaminophen available are Tylenol, actamin, and feveral- (7).

Hydrocortisone injection

Hydrocortisone is a common intravenous corticosteroid that can be administered directly to the knee. The major advantage of injection corticosteroid is that it helps to reduce pain and swelling, as wel- as make movement easier in patients with knee pain.

It is the best medication for knee pain gout, knee pain ligament injuries, arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. The dose varies between 5 and 50mg of hydrocortisone and can be given up to four or five times a year, and should be given with precaution and prescription as corticosteroids also have their side effects on the body such as peptic ulcer disease, osteoporosis, and immunosuppression (7).

Hyaluronic acid

Hydrocortisone is usually injected directly into the knee by the doctor to help relieve pain and its associated symptoms and also to aid mobility, especially in stiff joints. It is wel- known for its effectiveness in relieving osteoarthritis and also in gout management. Depending on the indication for it and the type of hyaluronic acid used by the doctor, one to five injections are usually used over severa- weeks of treatment (7).

  1. 2. Non-pharmacological

The non-pharmacological method of knee relief is further divided into therapy and home remedies.

RICE principle

The RICE principle is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate. It entails the following:

Rest: It is important to immobilize the affected limb for a while, at least 24 hours or more free from sport or physica- activities. But those with knee swelling should extend and flex the knee at the interva- to prevent stiffness.

Ice: Ice should be applied on the affected knee for about fifteen to twenty minutes at an interva- of three to four hours per day, and should be done for about three days unti- the pain subsides. Make sure to apply ice on the affected area for knee relief.

Compression: compression should be applied on the affected limb, this includes the use of compression bandages and sleeves around the joint. This wil- help to reduce the swelling drastically and if possible aid support (5).

Elevation: The affected leg limb should be elevated to prevent fluid accumulation by gravity which wil- result in edema of the leg. The joint and calf area should be supported with a pillow while lying down to raise the limb above the heart. Patients with persistent knee pain with associated swelling can purchase a leg elevation pillow to help provide the needed support(3).

Knee pain Kinesio tape

Knee taping is a non-pharmacologica- method of relieving knee pain, it helps to support the knee while also providing a solution to knee injuries. It is a specia- kind of tape usually applied around the joint at specific positions, and it is believed to function in preventing pain by providing support to the joint and the muscles.

Individuals interested in knee pain Kinesio tape should consult a doctor or a physica- therapist for assessment to be sure it is indicated in their condition because it is just an adjunct therapy and not a definitive treatment for knee pain, and there are different types of knee tape with different techniques (8).

Physical therapy

Physical therapy for knee pain ranges from exercise prescription to the use of braces and lots more.


Aside from strengthening the muscles and improving mobility, exercise also helps in weight loss, especially for patients who are overweight and whose overweight is not secondary to multiple gestations at the time of presentation.

Precautions should be taken in exercise for knee pain and should be prescribed by a physiotherapist because the wrong exercise can complicate the knee problem thereby worsening the knee pain.

Therefore, it is important to participate in an exercise that wil- promote weight loss as wel- as ensure the healing of the joint (9). Exercises are important to relieve knee pain in pregancy.

Lunges are exercises to improve the strength of the legs and the glutes, however, some patients develop Knee pain lunges from the lunging exercise. In such cases, precautions should be taken in recommending other forms of exercises such as squatting with the stability bal- behind, glute bridge, or static lunge (10).

B. Surgical method of knee relief for arthritis

In cases of knee pain secondary to trauma to the knee joint, minimally invasive surgery can be done to repair the affected structures such as tendon or ligament tears. Knee arthroplasty can also be done to replace the knee joint in cases of a crush injury to the knee or in complicated osteoarthritis, and other severe conditions (2). Knee replacement surgeries are done by licensed Orthopedic doctors, and such a procedure is referred to as orthopedic surgery.


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